Thursday 1 April 2021

Is Singapore a PAP Utopia?

 Since Sir Stamford Raffles set foot on Singapore in 1819, it had undergone a dramatic generational progressive transformation to what it s today as a world renowned metropolis. It was under British Colonial rule from the early days but political awakening among colonised people in the word necessitated the British to relinguish power to local politicians. So there emerged two very astute politicians vying to take over from the British. One was a Cambridge-trained lawyer Lee Kuan Yew  and the other was a dynamic pro-communist  activist Lim Chin Siong who had obviously the imprimatur of the Communist Party of Malaya. With the help of Singapore Special Branch and the Chief Minister at the time Lim Yew Hock, Lee Kuan Yew eventually became the prime minister of Singapore, much to the relief of the British colonial masters.

The much-vaunted PM Lee Kuan Yew did a monumental job in bringing Singapore from a third world country to a first world status. But he also had a less human aspect of his persona in the inhumane way he treated his political opponents like Lim Chin Siong, Dr. Lim Hock Siew and Chia Thye Poh.

His successor Goh Chok Thong was supposed to be a seat-warmer for his son Lee Hsien Loong but managed to excel and remained prime minister for more than a decade. Lee Kuan Yew's prodigious son  Lee Hsien Loong took over and has remained prime minister till today and maybe much longer because the 4G successors are not so promising. 

It started in Goh Chok Thong's era that the prime minister and his mercenary ministers enrich themselves with millions of dollars as salaries from taxpayers' money. There had been a slight compunction in Lee Hsien's administration by reducing a minuscule amount but the sums are still obscene. Is this what is called a PAP utopia? It may be for the PAP charlatans but do they realise that there are considerable number of Singaporeans who sleep in the open without any shelter. Is this what they call serving the people which is blatantly hypocritical  because they are actually serving themselves by dipping their fingers into people's money. Is this not a travesty of the worst kind over the sovereignty of the people's wealth for selfish end?

So what is the kismet of Singaporeans as long as the money-minded PAP leaders stay in power? Can we get enough of  politicians like Pritam Singh and Jamus Lim to dislodge them?  As long as they have precarious-minded electors to suppport them it may take a long time for this to happen, may not even be in our generation, In the meantime the PAP leaders will wallow in their utopia and the rest of Singaporeans, especially those eking out a living, will live a life nearer that of a purgatory. Does this ever evoke any feeling of compassion from our callous million-dollar Prime Minister and his mercenary ministers who wallow in their ill-gotten (no?) luxury? Is this what is called an idyllic version of an equitable society?  Do Singaporeans have a choice  and could they really be resolute in shaping their destiny?

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