Sunday 3 October 2021

The prognosis of the Covid 19 pandemic

It is abundantly clear that the much-vaunted Multi-ministerial Task Force (MTF) is hopelessly  overwhelmed by the Covid 19 pandemic which could become worse with any possible improvement  in the situation still in question. There is no solution to getting the MTF replaced as there is pitifully no talent among the current ministers to do a more proficient job. Distressful Singaporeans inherited this misfortune because of the guillibility of a large number of Singaporeans who believed that they had voted top-class incorruptible politicians into power who will serve the people consummately. These demagogues soon showed their true colour when they merrily syphoned millions of dollars of people's money from public coffers to enrich themselves. They are luxuriating in their livelihood quite oblivious to the people suffering from Covid 9 judging from their deplorable lack of ingenuity to combat the disease. Equally ignoramus is the charlatan PM Lee Hsien Loong who seemed bereft of any sensible idea to aid the MTF and it taxed the sanity of the people to be convinced that he himself believed in the so-called Messianic message he delivered to assuage the pinnacle alarm of the people in the Covid 19.

There are people who live on the subsistence level and not a few who sleep in the open whilst the PM and his ministers live in luxury at the expense of the people.  Is this the kind of equalitarian society that the people want?  Have they not heard of an Orwellen Society and is it now what Singapore is?  We will not be able to get out of this rut of pseudo-democracy as long as we have guillible Singaporeans voting them into power. What is the solution? Nothing short of divine intervention to awaken the slumbering guillible Singaporeans to vote for an alternative government. I am living on borrowed time at 94 and may not be able to see such a phenomenon. May God bless the disadvantaged Singaporeans who deserve the blessing.

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