Sunday 23 January 2022

A random thought to re-invigorate a moribund aspiration

 We have inherited a political system from the British. Instead of British Masters we now have our own politicians  to govern the country under a so-called democratic system. The Prime Minister and his Cabinet set out the policies and the civil servants who are supposed to be politically neutral carry them out without question. In any case where there is a dispute the Prime Minister is the final arbiter which is his constitutional right. These are intricacies which may not be known by some members of the public, especially the so-called freedom fighters who blamed the civil servants for so-called undemocratic actions like what they described as unjust and prolonged detentions under the ISA. As Director of ISD I used to receive not so infrequent broadsides from so-called freedom fighters but I took them in my stride as this was part of the jeopardy of my occupation. The British Masters had similar arbitrary power under British rule but rarely if ever to my knowledge excercised. Singapore civil servants are not short of compassion and conscience.

Communist countries like China are ruled by the Party Chairman who sets the policies never if ever disputed by other members of his cohort and carry out by party cadres. They have no civil servants in the democratic sense and political neutrality is never heard of.The late Chairman Mao ZeDong of China is a notable example.

The status quo in Singapore is going to stay irrespective of whether Singaporeans believe that this is an egalitarian society. Sixty-one percent of the electorate are so paralysed in their mind  that not voting for the PAP in any general election would mean the disintegration of their livelihood is something of such a monumental nature that no credible or formidable opposition will be able to overcome. This is going to be the reality of the situation for a possibly long time and with the exception of the emergence of a super politician who could command the confidence and trust of the the majority of the electorate it will be a mammoth if not unattainable task to try to dislodge the PAP.

The 4G sucessors of Lee Hsien Loong are a comical disparate group but then the Party had from time immemorial monopolised the field of so-called talented electorial candidates with their affluent enticements that leaves oppositon parties with almost nothing of a fighting chance to counter them. By now the 4G have shown that they are really the run-of- the-mill  quality but still formidable enough to mortify the oppostion.

So what is the solution? It seems that there has to be some kind mysticism for divinity to bestow some savour of  the blessing of a Darling of Fate (天之骄子) on the opposition to be able to make a breakthrough the invincible barrier of the PAP. To make things worse the Workers' Party has found itself in a rut now over the Raeesah Khan scandle. The Progress Singapore Party is till nascent. So however you look at it, it's so daunting to the opposition. Therefore it needs divine intervention.

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