Sunday 27 February 2022

A bid to farewell

 The Cosmos is a very beautiful place under the Sun where the homo sapien co-exists peacefully with the serpents for eternity. I was born into this mellifluous world at first but then destiny took a dwindling hand and it became a nightmare. God, however, had not abandoned the deprived and miraculously I ended up looking after the security of a multi-plutocractic nation. The Prime Minister was nominally democratic but in reality nothing short of autocratic. It must be an irony of fate that whilst I through an intricacy of ingenuity had advanced his world political standing, he should be utterly iniquitous in imposing  a very grave injustice  on me. I think it showed the world what a blatant liar he had been. There is redress that only the Lee Kuan Yew estate can be sued because of legal and time constraint but I may not live long enough to see the result.

I think sufficient public resentment had been made over his iniquity and his soul may be resting peacefully in heaven or hell. i think by this time I am completely vindicated and may eke out the remainder of my life at a low key. It is a blessing from God that I had regained my reputation and that I am given the appreciation  from sincere friends and former colleagues of my humble contribution to society. I met a remarkable politician from the Progress Singapore Party Alex Tan  Tiong Hee who stunned me with such  adulation of my so-called alert mind and an excellent command of English  Why he said it to me is enigmatic but it was indeed very flattering.

I am doing my bit for ISD by contribution back to them what I had learned in the course of my duty. I am doing this for the sake of the national security and the most decent thing that PM Lee Hsien Loong and his millionaire cohorts can d is to make a public apology for his father's grave injustice to me. I think this may be too daunting and may send him into a tail-spin.

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