Wednesday 16 February 2022

Prelude to Farewell

 This is a period of tranquillity before I am called home to be with the Lord. My greatest regret is the grave injustice that I suffered at the hands of the demonic Lee  Kuan Yew which still rankles in my mind. I can never get any redress either from Lee Hsien Loong or the Lee Kuan Yew's estate because of legal and time constraint. This means that I may have to take my grievance to the grave.

This is by far the most wicked legacy that Lee Kuan Yew  had bestowed on me and others. The egregious smear that he had kindly delivered to ruin my life and reputation could not have been perpetrated by a human. How could a highly reputed prime minister have stooped so low as to telecast a blatant lie to Singapore and the world on some concocted story about  the misdemeanour of a senior civil servant and remained reticent without any trace of compunction. Could that be human?

I had been his benefactor by virtue of the CIA Spy case in 1961 which propelled him to a dizzying height in raising his political standing with a pugnacious American President John Kennedy and his blustering posturings on the Americans were something which the Americans could not forget for a long time. And as a reward he had the temerity to defame me to the world with a despicable vengence. Why he targeted me is until today an enigma. If he was human, it is thought-provoking why it did not bother his conscience a bit to ruin the life of a defenceless officer with  a stroke of his pen or a profane word from his golden mouth.

Although he has now passed on does not his prodigal son Lee Hsien Loong think that he owes me a public apology as a matter of civility to right a wicked wrong by his revered father? I think that this will be too daunting and could send him into a tail-spin.

I hope I will get to meet the soul of this wicked Lee Kuan Yew after my passing and whack him to hell.

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