Thursday 3 February 2022

The mythology of Operation Coldstore

 Many people still have a vague idea about Operation Coldstore. The massive security round-up of leading CUF activists on 2 February 1963 crippled the chances of pro-communist revolutionists from capturing power. It was erroneously branded as a Lee Kuan Yew's brainchild and that he had solely mounted the operation on his own for his political benefit. There were actually considerable behind-the-scene robust interaction in the Internal Security Council (ISC) comprising the British, Singapore and Malaya. Quite interestingly the British under Lord Selkirk put up a staunchly independent stand on their minimalist position which meant that they would only assent to the operation when they could see any concrete evidence of imminent violence to overthrow the government. There was a considerable length of deadlock as neither side conceded. In the end the Malayan Prime Minister Tungku Abdul Rahman managed with his disarming personality persuaded Lord Selkirk to throw in his towel. So Lee Kuan Yew was able to get the imprimatur of the ISC to mount Operation Coldstore.which otherwise would have been aborted.

There were talks that Lee Kuan Yew was virtually the sole beneficiary politically from Coldstore and it was he who initiated the move. This could not be erased from the mind of the public whichever way one looked at it. In fact what followed was an absolute dominance of the political scene by Lee KuanYew's PAP.

Now comes to the point of political finesse and ethical embodiment in our politicians. The British showed exemplary humanism initially but was hopelessly overwhelmed by an equally pugnacious opposition and the disarming personality of Tengku Abdul Rahman beningnant to the degree of naivety. From their experiences in other colonies the British may not even have been inimical to the capture of power by the communist firebrands. This of course is a matter of conjecture but may not be entirely illusory.

One aspect of the persona of Lee Kuan yew which may have escaped the mind of some of the public was his inordinate obsession of the communist threat which probably concealed the embryo of his irrational treatment of his political opponents in detention. This was probably the cruz that prevented renowned historians from writng his obituary.

What is the prognosis of Singapore's future? The status quo will remain for some time because there is nothing yet on the horizon to disturb it. The Progress Singapore Party shows good promise under the dynamic leadership of Dr.Tan Cheng Bock but we will see if he will get divine blessing.

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