Sunday 13 March 2022

A humanised plea for justice. & could there be a blessing fro heaven?        7 March 2022

A humanised plea for justice.

My dear honourable PM Lee Hsien Loong,

Greetings to your Highness. I cannot sue you for the defamation that your eminent father Lee Kuan Yew uttered against me. In case of any amnesia on your part, may I enlighten you of the earth-shattering event on 10 October 1986. I say earth-shattering because the blatant lie was telecast live from the august Parliament House to Singapore and the world. In short he denounced me in a very stern voice that I had allowed myself to be used by Francis Seow to dismiss four detectives for pilfering his property while investigating a housebreaking case and that he had dismissed me as Head of CPIB as a result. It's amasing how a world renowned Prime Minister could have stooped so low in making such scurrilous attack on defenceless civil servant in a world setting. I was sued as a ploy by him to dislodge Francis Seow as president of the Singapore Law Society. I had helped your father in raising his prestige and enhancing his world political standing especially with the Americans and he could turn round to defame me.  Why he targeted me may not be known as this was his mythical notion in his mind which he had taken with him to his grave.

I do not need to narrate what consequence I had to undergo. I cannot sue him under the Singapore judiciary because no Singapore judges had the courage to convict him. I was to all intents and purposed a goner and would have perished like many docile civil servants before me who had incurred his wrath. I think God took pity on me and quite imperceptibly restored me to my present humain existence. And all along I was fortunate to have the empathy of sincere friends and former colleagues.

I can only now sue the Lee Kuan Yew's estate but it's a lengthy and costly process and I may not live long enough to see any result. In the meantime the grave injustice to me is still festering and I would like, if possible, to see a closure to it. Would it be human to see me taking my grievance to the grave?  I do not know if I can detect any  compassion in your kind self but I think God will bestow you with grace if you condescend to make a public apology for the grave injustice that your eminent father had done to me. A miracle can happen and whether this will manifest with God's blessing will be a fascinating phenomenon.          10 March, 2022.

Could there be a blessing from heaven?

My dear Venerable PM Lee Hsien Loong,

With all the consummate earnestness that I pleaded with you for justice, I have the premonition that you were overawed to the extent that you overlooked the civiliity of giving me your pompous reply. Was it inadvertent?  I would like to believe that it is so, but it may be the struggle in your mind to overcome the blockage  to make a public apology. Would it be a tranquillity to your mind to gracefully consent to have a friendly chat with me to understand your inviterate awe to a public apology and may provide a compromise that I may be able to accept.

I respect you as a prime minister and although you may be more superior in intellect with your Cambridge education, I can say with humility that I can hold a candle to you in certain aspects. I had basic education but am blessed by God with intellectual gift. ISD can enlighten you with my humble contributions to the department in the maintenance of national security. I had fought the communists while you were still sucking your mother's milk. I wanted to contribute back to ISD what I had learned over the years in the course of my duty. I am doing this for the sake of  national security and my bond with ISD  and will not do it for you or the PAP.  Money is not an important consideration and I am happy with the below the market rate.

With your affluence and power it may be a black swan that something so ironic that with my dedicated contributions to the maintenance of national security I was defamed  and imposed with a grave injustice by your honourable father Lee Kuan Yew  and can be glossed over  without any conscience. Is there no humanity left to provide a redress to such injustice? I leave it to your conscience, if you have any, to vindicate me with a public apology. Do you really think that I am asking too much?

If I were to meet and lose to you in a public debate, I will be a good loser to a more intellectually-endowed crafty adversary. I simply want to say that I won't be in trepidation in taking you on like some of your cohorts.

With all the best wishes. Yoong Siew Wah

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