Saturday 12 March 2022

The evils that men do live after them

 A very good friend who is a retired lawyer with a pundit mind has given me at my request a vey analytical  perception of my persistent pursuance to compel the venerable PM Lee Hsien Loong to make a public apology for his late honourable father's despicable injustice against me. In his expert opinion he assesses that my efforts will diminish to the inevitable insoluble ad infinitum interregnum.  The almighty Lee Hsien Loong is such a funky character by nature that he is overawed by some mythical notion in his mind that any public apology may trigger the opening of the Pandora box and therefor he is digging his heels in on the issue. I have no reason to accept my friend's prognosis of the situuation and it looks likely that I will have to take my grievance to the grave. Does Lee Hsien Loong think this is human? I think any question of conscience-smitten is a black swan in his case.

What are the options that I could count on? Tere is the possibility of getting an opposition lawmaker to question the pompous Lee Hsien Loong in Parliament for an explanation of his intransigence  but may not be realisable for lack of connections and if the lawmaker is altruistically motivated by my injustice  Until some kind Samaritan appear miraculously on the horizon as a saviour this option could only be kept in limbo for the time being. 

The question of getting the court to compel him to make a public apology as a last option may be illusionary as it not clear if there is a law to enforce it.

We can only wait to see if God would show his tender mercy to bring about a change of heart in the inhumanised mortal to eternalise justice.

To round up the narrative my two emails to the almighty Lee Hsien Loong which could elicit some amusement from any peaceloving public are reproduced for your reading pleasure.

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