Tuesday 5 April 2022

A return to a meserising nostalgia in Straits Times


For the attention of Mr. Khaw Boon Wan, Chairman SPH.

Dear Mr. Khaw,

Greetings. My apologies if you feel that I am bring you to the brink of the precipice again.

You will be doing a great service to the people of Singapore if you have the intrepidity to publish my above letter to PM Lee Hsien Loong. It gives a perception to the people that piques their political consciouness of the status quo. Patriotic voices are seldom, if ever, heard from your broadsheet The Straits Times because it is in fact and in reality a PAP mouthpiece. You are a former PAP minister and your paper is heavily subsidised by the PAP government and patriotic voices can only be heard from social media. You dare not take a stand on the  obscene millions of taxpayers' money that the avaricious PM Lee Hsien Loong and his equally venal cohorts pocketed ostensibly to serve the public. There is a limit to one's imagination and this charade has definitely taken an overdrive beyond its limit.

As you must have to have the guts of superman if you have the temerity to publish patriotic voices. Anyway, that's the status quo and only with the help of divinity can there be salvation.

May God  bless you.         Yoong Siew Wah

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