Monday 4 April 2022

A return to a mesmerising nostalgia             4-4-2022

My dear Venerable PM Lee Hsien Loong,

This is not another plea. I have said enough. I now leave it to God to see if He is imbued with a tender mercy to eternalise a justice for a victimised son by tenderly incentivise a change of heart in your kind self to make a public apology for your late father Lee Kuan Yew's cardinal sin. What I intend to do now is to try to modify your and your cohorts perception of a more intelligible narrative of Singapore's political history. It was not flippancy when I said that when I was fighting the communists your  were still suck your mother;s milk. I simply intended to stimulate your mind that you may still be luxuriating in a complacent state of mind. You were born with a golden spoon and your venerable father were determined that you succeed him as prime minister maybe not in sequence but was however a fait accompli. You and your cohorts in this generation are just chair-borne politicians propelled into the perks and luxuries of your high office on the sacrifices made by dedicated civil servants like us in the past.

We fought the communists and we were called running dogs by them and ere prioritised for assassination by their killer squads. When I joined the Special Branch we were in a shooting war with the communists and they were just trigger happy in shooting reactionary tycoons, traitors and Special Branch  officers. We were extremely vulnerable because they knew us and were were in the dark about their identities and every morning when we left our house to go for work we were always in danger of being confronted by a communist assassin unexpectedly. To give a hair-raising example there was a CID detective Seet Chong Yee who was regarded by the communist as notorious and corrupt. One morning he emerged from his house to start his motorcycle to go to work two communist assassins suddenly appeared before him and before he could realise it they pumped two bullets into him. Miraculously he survived but others who were shot like him just perished. Fortunately no Special Branch officers had been shot but Chief Inspector Lau Siew Foo had a hand grenade thrown into his car but he managed to escape before it exploded with a small piece of sphrapnel lodged in his lung. It was removed later by surgery but it was life-threatening. Soon he was back at his old self without any visible sign of wear and tear. You think any of your softie chair-borne ministers could have survived this kind of baptism of fire?

Your venerable father Lee Kuan Yew and his pugnacious cohorts would know the death-defying journey we had been through before Singapore has been able to  progress to the world renowned affluent metropolis that it is today. And you PM Lee Hsien Loong and your jolly bunch of money-minded cohorts are now happily ensconed in the perks and luxuries of your high station oblivious to the plight of the disadvantaged. It's an outright travesty of humanity and justice that you and your avaricious cohorts could ignore public abhorrence to enrich yourselves with millions of taxpayers' money  ostensibly to serve the people. Can there be a more egregious way of pocketing people's wealth? Can the people have any redress against a powerful dominant establishment? The inevitable may come but will be at eternity without divine intervention. Meanwhile our millionaire PM and his cohorts will continue to put their fingers in the till with impunity.

The only salvation appears to be for these charlatan politicians to become conscientious to really serve the people.

I think you should know that I do not lack the tenacity to pursue my overdue justice till kingdom come.

My apologies if you find this overawing but it is simply a conscientising appeal. In adversity one may be able to see some humanity but is this visible in Singapore? Is Singapore really an egalitrian society? Conscience is fast becoming a black swan if it is not one already.

A word of adulation. You are really doing Singapore proud with your unequivocal Stand on US-China relations. Your unambiguous rebuttal of the sinister attempt to portray as a "Beijing Whisperer" showed that you were not a hypocrite and one who spoke his mind. I am convinced but you don't think that there may be sceptics in and outside Singapore?

May God bless you.         Yoong Siew Waah

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