Sunday 24 April 2022

Daydream in Wonderland (梦遊仙境)      23.4.2202

My dear Venerable PM Lee Hsien Loong,

You were born with a golden spoon and your renowned father Lee Kuan Yew was hell-bent that you succeed him as prime minister. The woody Goh Chok Tong was a seat warmer but managed to warm longer than expected. He was the most infamous prime minister to initiate the payment of obscene millions of taxpayers' money to himself and his mercenary cohorts ostensibly for public service. What public service? I will not go into it as it is disgustingly disparaging and allow you and your mercenary cohorts to wallow in a fool's paradise.

You were installed as a prime minister which was a fait accompli. And so you and your mercenary cohorts sit on your fat asses and wallow in the perks and luxuries of your high office as your noble birthright. But you little realise that you and your cohorts are enjoying all these perks and luxuries on the sacrifices  made by civil servants like us in the past. We fought the communists while you were still sucking your mother's milk and your highly ambitious father Lee Kuan Yew could have ended languishing in prime minister Lim Chin Siong's gaol if not for Special Branch. You want to disprove this?

For what I have done for Singapore and enhancing Lee Kuan Yew's world political standing it was the extremity of iniquity that he could inflict a grave injustice on me and was astounding that a world renowned prime minister could have stooped so low as to make such a scurrilous attack on a defenceless civil servant. I could not seek any redres as circumstances were not in my favour. I now want to clear my name before I depart from this world and pleaded for you to make a public apology. A grave injustice had been committed by your renowned and benign father and what is it that is haunting you that you do not have the civility to make a public apology? Would it not be noble of you to be forthcoming instead of remaining wretchedly reticent. I have done everything possible within my means to beseech you to do me justice by making a public apology and I think I have reached a stage where I have to leave it to God to get any redress from you. If in the end I have to take my injustice with me to my grave I think it is just my fate that God has decreed if it soothes your black swan conscience.

You may be of noble birth with a high education and social standing and therfore can swagger about. I happen to have by grace a little justice seeking audacity to take you on intellectually and politically to cut you down a little bit as a nondescript.

Good luck and may God bless you and bless a peaceful Lee Kuan Yew's soul.

An intepid downtrodden retired civil servant Yoong Siew Wah

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