Sunday 8 May 2022

A roving view of world politics

 I am not a political pundit but what I am trying to do is to make a psychoanalysis   of the political manifestations that have captured the imagination of the world.

The "thucidides's trap" coined by Havard Professor Graham Allison to describe the hegemonic rivalry of US-China relations has invoked world-wide interest but is dissented by some eminent political scholars as of too remote connectivity to be appropriate for modern day reference. Does it appropriately reflect the current US-China hegemonic rivalry may be intriguing but the fact is the Americans are indeed haunted by the rising power of Communist China that they will be replaced as the world supreme power.

The Americans are not neurotic in having this apprehension. China is indeed progressively gaining in political prowess against the Americans but the Americans' fear may be quite illusionary. Americans actually should have no fear that they would be completely superseded by China in world affairs. Whatever it is they will still retain their fire power and the loyalty of staunchly European allies who may not willingly accept the Chinese hegemony. The political reach of China may be dominant in China-prone countries outside Europe in Africa and South East Asia like Singapore and Cambodia. And the Americans have the resilence to rebound in the future. Joe Biden may not have the consummate appeal to non-Europeans but Xi jinping is not exactly a genial personality. Xi's popularity outside China is really a question mark depending on which side of the political spectrum you stand.

The body politic of the world being what it is the continuation and intensification of the US-China rivalry is inevitable until it reaches a point of no return. But then it will not end in any war because the extreme devastating consequences will be sufficient deterrent for any party to start a conflagration.

Will there be any power on earth which could terminate this world-demolishing rivalry? Only God!

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