Friday 10 June 2022

A satirical paronamo of Singapore

 That Singapore has reached a first world status from a third world as a world-renowned cosmopolitan haven with racial harmony, the credit may be attributed to a prescient and entreprsing Lee Kuan Yew but he also had an ugly persona in his cruel inhuman treatment of his political opponents. The Lee dynasty must go on and his prodigal son, Lee Hsien Loong, was destined to be his anointed successor and the woody Goh Chok Tong was chosen as a seat-warmer until Lee was ready to take over.

Lee Hsien Loong was born with a golden spoon and he just simply ensconed himself into the perks and luxuries of his high office and pocketing with his mercenary cohorts millions of people's money to perform public service. What kind of public service that they perform that require such obscene homongous remuneration? You find people living at a poverty subsistence level and people who sleep in the open.  You think Singapore is a democratic and equalitarian society? 

These mercenary politicians, who sit on their fat asses and wallowing in their perks and luxuries, will not survive a single day if they went through the kind of baptism of fire that civil servants like us went through in our sacrifices in the past for them to luxuriate in their livelihood. When we fought the communists Lee Hsien Loong was still sucking his mother's milk.

In order not to be outdone by his late father Lee Kuan Yew who mesmerised world leaders with his political astuteness the prodigal son Lee Hsien Loong frequently hobnobbed with world leaders like Xi Jinping of China and Joe Biden and previous presidents of America and sometimes uttered nonsense to the consternation of Singaporeans. He was asked but disclaimed that he was either a Beijing or a Washington whisperer.  It is well known that he has a Beijing sugar daddy and a Washington sugar daddy who doted on him for his obsequiousness.

Lee Hsien Loong's consummate political jesting has no parallel and could not fail to  amuse world leaders exceedingly if it does not make them delirious. Will his anointed successor Lawrence Wong be of the same mould? Let's hope he has more character and transcends his comical master.

Will there be any transformation of the status quo in the foreseeable future in Singapore?  Pritam Singh is an abject disappointment in his handling of the Raseeah Khan scandal and cannot be seen as a possible saviour of Singapore. Dr. Tan Cheng Bock is a more promising benefactor but he needs more time and talents to fulfull his mission. So what prospects can there be for Singaporeans to have a better future? Only God could provide this miracle and the sad thing is that this could be an eternity. Meanwhile we are manacled by a benign and avaricious PAP government headed by benevolent politician.

I have composed my memoir which is awaiting publication. I think it's a very edifying narrative which should enlighten the public because it narrates in personal form the trials and tribulations that we went through in our baptism of fire. I have been told and accepted that it could only be published posthumously.  TRE website has very kindly  undertake the publication after I am gone. A very splendid show of public-spiritedness.

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