Saturday 30 July 2022

A sanity or surreality

 With humility may I present an antic narration of a prime minister for the entertainment of the public? I was flummoxed by the incredibl imcomprehensible intransigence of the benign PM Lee Hsien Loong to give me an  overdue vindication for their transgression of my character. It was actually his benign father Lee Kuan Yew who inflicted me with a grave injustice by  smearing me with a blatant lie amounting to defamation and his humanitarian son the Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong showed exemplary magnanimity by obdurately refusing to make a public apology for his father's sin as requested by me. My friends said that it is in his disoriented character that he will simply ignored my imploration for justice for reasons best known to himself. His filiality to Lee Kuan Yew? 

Whatever is the reason for the demurral cannot justify the suppression of justice. But they are the law. I had a divine inspiration to take on the vaunted and hubristic Lee Hsien Loong to a public intellectual and political discourse. If he refused to make a public apology at least I could take the delight to needle him since as a politician and prime minister he is a fair game. He is a Cambridge-educated nobility and I am a plebaien with basic education. I may not better him but I can certainly give him a vigorous run for his money and may bring him down a notch or two to make a slight dent on his ego.

It occurs to me that there may be far-reaching implication in my escapade so I sought advice from close friends for their opinion and advice before I embark on this venture. My mind was quite made up to go ahead and it must have been a divine benevolence which inspired my former god-daughter Jess Chua who is now a  citizen to send me an email with a profoundly sagacious advice not to entangle with a possible satanic monster who could devour me without any compunction.  Jess Chua was originally from Singapore and was an eminently illuminating writer and blogger. Her auther's name is Jess C Scott and you may google her name to know more about her.

The following are relevant emails on this topic:

Addressed to close friends:           27-7-2202

With due respect may I ask your opinion and advice before I embark on this venture which may have a far-reaching implication.

Do you believe in divination?  I woke up this morning with a poignant feeling from above that I  should take on the bombastic Lee Hsien Loong in a public intellectual and political discourse which should be a send-off present to him for his departure from the PM post whenever this is. I invited him ro a discourse not long ago but he remained retiicent for whatever reason. This is a divine inspiration and I will try to inveigle him into having a discourse with me. He is from the nobility and I come from the plebeian. If he adamantly declines to engage in aa discourse with me we may have to wait for him ro wake up and change his mind. I am doing this for public service.

His Achilles' heel may be the obscene millions of people's money he and his greedy cohorts pocket for some bullshit public service. Do you think they can convince the discerning public that this is a fair charge on the Treasury? Of course those gullible supporters who vote them in every election will allow themselves to be hoodwinked.

May I be favoured with your precious reply? I am copying this to Lee Hsien Loong.

With best regards. Siew Wah

From: Jess Chua               28-7-2202

Dear Siew Wah

i am inclined to think the PM will, as mentioned by Andrew, continue to callously ignore you.  I have pondered about it and perhaps some things are indeed best left to divination or karma. As you are approaching the grand of 100, I would be concerned that a retaliation or confrontation from the PM (or his cohorts) would have a detrimental effect on your health and well-being. Personally, if I were of advanced age, I would prefer  to conserve my energy and focus on maintaining my close relations and intellectual/spiritual integrity.

I highly doubt that the PM will suddenly decide to address these topics that you've brought up ver the years on your incredible blog. They can afford to ignore plebeians' concerns. Aside from a massive spiritual awakening I doubt that the PM will change his mind and understand that your approach would be one of public service.

You could perhaps continue to share your thoughts in a blog post since your blog would continue to be a part of history and be very enlightening to discerning people. I think that would be a better use of energy than trying to get a response from somebody who is not going to give it. whether it is a personality trait, lack of conscience, lack of empathy or something else, some people have no qualms with the legacy of injustice they're associated with.

There's a peace and satisfaction in living a life well-lived, or according to your wishes, which is beyond what an unjust ruler has ownership.

Nice blogging throughout this year, including Chinese posts. I fell behind on those messages as I've been getting some things sorted ourt with new laws from the US supreme court that are very hostile to women. It got me on an emotional rollercoaster but got me to think about happiness and self-preservation despite what government's hold sway over us.



Addressed to Jess Chua               28-7-2202

My dear Jess,

You are indeed an angel to give me such a profoundly sagacious advice that it will be a disaster not to heed. I haven't heard from you for quite some time and suddenly this came like a manna from heaven. Behind my thought was a so-called vindictive desire to take delight to needle this joker Lee Hsien Loong as a fair game. And he should thank God  that you should providently appear to rescue him from harassment.

You are indeed a paragon of virtue and it would be such a blessing if we could interact more often. I am sorry to hear of your legal intricacy with the US supreme court and sincerely hope that this will be sorted out in good time. I also know that you are pre-occupied with your career and your family but would be nice if you could spare some time to communicate from time to time.

I think it can be said that I am on some kind of a roll with my life now and abiding to be called home to be with the Lord.

With best regards. Siew Wah


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