Wednesday 21 December 2022

A humble missive to an almighty PM Lee Hsien Loong

 My honourable PM Lee Hsien Loong               18-12-2022

I hope you will kindly comprehend my humble and ardent desire to vindicate myself before I depart from this beautiful world. You may have a wozzy image me as a disconcerter and it therefore become incumbent upon me to disabuse your almighty of this unfortunate misconception.

Civil servants like us went through a baptism of fire in the late forties and early fifties in the beginning of the Emergency to fight the communists in the front line at the risk of our lives and we were prime targets for communist assassination by their killer squad. You were either sucking milk or running around without trousers when all these were happening. We made all the sacrifices so that people like your kind self and your minion ministers can enjoy your luxurious living in your high office with millions of people's money and this is viewed like a black swan in your lofty vision. You think it's  your birthright to enjy and  thst it is a gift from heaven to His darling son of heaven. We, as  down-trodden plebeians, can only watch with abated breath.

Some civil servant like my humble self had served Singapore not any less meritorious than you or your minion ministers and that I had become the vicious target of grave injustice by your benevolent father Lee Kuan Yew could take the cake for exemplary humanity.Whyy Lee Kuan Yew targeted me for defamation is still an enigma which he had taken with him to his grave. I pleaded with you to make a public apology for your father's sin but it's like flogging a dead horse. I think it's God's will and I have to suffer this with mercy.

During Lee Kuan Yew's watch as prime minister, the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) tried to recruit me as their intelligence agent. On Lee Kuan Yew's order I played along in an ambivalent role. At the right mement when everthing was going to be finalised for my recruitment , a Special Branch Task Force which was lying in wait as planned, descended upon the safe house where we were still engrossed in our shenanigan.This Special Branch swoop took them by surprise and three CIA officers were arrested. The reverberation of this blitz was so earth-shattering that it boomeranged right up to the White House and rattled the American Pre3sident John Kennedy. Lee Kuan Yew was able to push his world political standing to such a dizzying height that indeed Kennedy was overawed. Lee Kuan Yew told a group of leading world newspapermen that this was like a James Bond movie.And I don't think with all due respect that you or any of your minion ministers will be able to emulate this modest feat.

As you can see my contribution to the nation is not that of some pipsqueak. Lee Kuan Yew capitalised on it not for any altruistic reason asit really cynosured him to the mesmerisation of world leaders, especially the west. For no apparent reason h cold-heartedly defamed me with a blatant lie delivered from Parliament House and telecast live to the world. I have been living under this grave injustice for so long  and I only ask for an overdue vindication from your kind self by making a public apology for your father's sin. Is this really something so profound that you cannot show some compassion and humanity for your father's sin.  I have really come to terms with your father's grave injustice and will not be angry with Lee Kuan Yew. I will leave his soul in peace. What he had done was gross stupidity in his vindictiveness not only to my humble self but his political opponents like Chia Thye Poh and Dr.Lim Hock Siew. This was a seious blemish on  his otherwise impeccable persona.

You are his anointed heiar to succed him as prime minister after the seat-warmer Goh Chok Tong. You may lack Lee Kuan Yew's baptism of fire but you certainly need to show more kindness and compassion and less avariciousness.

You humble down-trodden plebeian Yoong Siew Wah

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