Thursday 1 December 2022

The diabolical saga of Terry Xu

 Is the pompous Lee Hsien Loong playing poker with the life and career of Terry Xu, the editor of the website The Online Citizen? You don't have to be perceptive but even a vision-imperceptible can see the plethora of prosecutory ramifications of the Attorny-General Chambers aimed at the modification and elimination of Terry Xu. It really boggles the mind why the AGC goes to all the trouble and expense to contrive and build up a semblance of conspiratorial intentions against Terry Xu. With their knack of improvising tactical incriminating evidence what chances do you think Terry Xu could get from a Singapore judge?

Lee Hsien Loong has already extracted his pound of flesh from Terry Xu which normally should have appeased the carnivore. Terry Xu found his life to be not dissimilar to a fugitive from justice subjected to unsophisticated surveillance and looming arrest action so that for self-preservation he has to re-locate to Taiwan which he thinks is a safe haven. It could be his jmagination but the continued plethora of sinister persecution does not give him the confidence that this is not for real. Only in lawless regimes that one usually finds the pernicious hounding of a political victim either for imaginary or real existential threat to the perpetrator.

But Terry Xu is really a harmless patriot doing a cardinal service to the public with his dramatic alternative news through his very popular website The Online Citizen. He could have inadvertently transgressed into the sanctum of Lee  Hsien Loong's political bastion which could unwittingly expose his Achilles' heel. I have known Terry Xu for some time and he had indeed done me a great service with the prominent display of my posts on his website TOC. I am an underdog and it is only natural that I pro-actively emphatise with a fellow underdog. When will Terry Xu be able to regain his human dignity?  We will have to keep our eyes peeled for the denouement of the diabolical saga,

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