Sunday 2 April 2023

A sublime view of the almighty Lee Hsien Loong

 When a man is near death he speaks from his heart but a bird makes a mournful sound. (鸟之将死  其鸣也哀  人之将死  其言也善). Could this sententious Chinese saying be a reflection of the almighty Lee Hsien Loong? He is so despically persecuting his siblings and his nehew over Oxleygate and pockcting millions of people's money to sustain a luxurious livelihood and now masquerading benignity to flummox the people's discerning perception.

The time has come when there is now a subliminal progression of history clearly signifying that his flexing of political muscles to serve the interests of over-gratifying citizens and non-citizens has been so exquisitely accomplished that it is now time for him to step make way for DPM Lawrence Wong to show his talent. Even the former Straits Times editor Bertha Hanson has strongly urged that it's time for Lee Hsien Loong to step down.

Lee Hsien Loong could not be so dumb as not to sense that there is a subtle disquiet among the people to see that Lee Hsien Loong should step down and this could escalate to an avalanche that could see him cast tnto the trash of history. if he does not do so.This is not an imaginary scenario that he could ignore only at his own peril.

The first thing that came to his mind was clearly the China card which could save him from his political doom. China is on a roll and Xi-Jinping has been elected for a third term as President. So he very cleverly organised a trade and friendship visit to China ostensibly to promote economic enhancement for Singapore and to renew ties with the Chinese leadership, especially Xi=Jinping who he regards as a godfather. It's an excellent ploy to allay the disquiet of the people of Singapore to gain a further lease to his political career.

He may be able to pull it off this time but the fat remains that the politically-savvy Singaporeans want to see a younger prime minister take Singapore to a more illustrious height in face of a more sophisticated world.

Do you think Lee Kuan yew will not turn in his grave to see his filial son Lee Hsien Loong breaking up the uniity of his family.

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