Saturday 15 April 2023

The mammoth implications of the leakage of US highly classified information

 This is like an story in the Ian Flemmings' James Bond adventure.That it could have happened  in the highly powerful administraion of the USA is like a heavenly earth-shaking hoax to dement the people  when they are just recovering breath after their nerves are rattled by China's Xi Jinping military manoeuvre over the Taiwan Straits as an invasion rehearsal.

Could Joe Biden have stunned the world with his naive remark "I am not concerned" in reference to the highly classifed information leak coming from the President in command of the most powerful country in the world. If he is not concerned then who is. Apart from the sensitivity of the leaked documents there is the more important question of how a national guardsman could have the technical skill to access the highly classified archives.with the extremely tight security could make the Americans look like amateurish Mandarins. The Russians will find this colossal security lapse amusing and something which they could learn to access the American highly classified archives at a propitious time in future.

Catching the culprit for the security break-in and sending him to prison is just the beginning of the American big headache. They are confronted with the enormous task of regaining the trust and confidence of close allies who must be greatly shocked by the American homogous security lapse.That the comical melodrama has placed the Americans in the grave quandary is never in doubt and this at the critical time of the intractable US-China conflict. It's going to take a herculian effort to surmount this security behemoth.

This is meant to be hilarious by a Nosey Parker.

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