Friday 21 April 2023

The PAP juggernaut

We are privileged to perceive the  colourful survival-asserting  display which will not have escaped the cynosure of the public eye. It's interesting that this is happening at this time when there is more than a murmur on  the defaults of the PAP. They are obviously uneasily smarting from the opposition united sharp articulations which seem to rattle their political bastion. First you see DPM Lawrence Wong and now Ong Yee Kung taking up the cudgel to whack opposition crusaders like Leong Mun Wai and others accusing them of lacking in political correctness in their speeches. Leong Mun Wai has emerged to be such a formidable debater with strong resilence that even sent a top eloquent Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam to bite the dust. We should have more pugnacious opposition MPs like Leong Mun Wai in Parliament to make the ministers to work more earnestly and to give a sparkle to the proceedings. They may try to dislodge Leong Mun Wai from Parliament but this will not be a surprise.

Today on the internet you will not miss the voluble angry voices of Singaporeans over the high cost of living and other governmental deficiencies which they blame the government of Lee Hsien Loong for bringing their livelihood to such a miserable state when the PM and his plutocrat ministers are pocketing millions of the people's money. And what a cruel joke when you have an out-of-touch DPM  Lawrence Wong shouting his head off trying to get the people to support the 4G leaders in the next general elecrtion. He was quite popular in the beginning but it now sounds like a repeatedly-played gramophone record which the people may find amusing. He is the PM-in-waiting in eternity like his predecessor Heng Swee Kiat.  Whether or when Lee Hsien Loong is going to step down is still a myth and there is a rumble to urge him to do so now. You get a famous political commentator like Bertha Henson to join in the chorus to strongly urge him to step down now. But true to his character Lee Hsien Loong is quite thick-skinned  and he needs a putsch to get him out.

Lately he might be haunted by the world geopolitical situation and came out to utter claptrap to try to tranquillise the people but he really  needs the succour himself. He sucks up to Xi Jinping and hobnobs with the Americans  at the same time. He has become a past master at tight-rope politics.

Good luck to Singapore and may God bless you.

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