Tuesday 11 April 2023

Xi-JinPing's overpowering fate on Taiwan

This is a subject that seems to be a taboo among the English and Chinese press in Singapore. And someone  has to break the glass barrier to put Singaporean''s mind in perspectve.The world is now mesmerised by an insane colossal military display  by Xi Jin-Ping to bring Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen and the Americans to their knees for allowing a so-called fraternal meeting between Tsat Ing-wen and American House Speaker Kevin Mc Carthy. That Xi can regard such a mutually confidence-sharing meeting as a serious threat to the sovereignty of China to order the gigantic military display is simply mine-boggling.to the people .But this is an aspect of his persona that Xi wants the world to see.

Xi maintained that Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory which he is determined to reunify by peaceful or forceful means.But Tsai Ing-wen and the Taiwanese are equally determined to keep Taiwan under democratic rule with all the freedom that they have been enjoying for a long tiime. They rejected that Taiwan had ever been under Chinese Communist rule. World opinion seems to be muted probably because world leader tried to avoid upsetting Xi because of political or economic reason. What about Singapore's Lee Hsien Loong? He regards Xi as his godfather  and Taiwanese fate to him is just a pawn.

Americans are unequivocal in their determination to give their utmost support to defend Taiwan in the event of a an invasion by Xi's China. and this is repeated in the most strongest term that it leaves Xi with no illusion of American's humanitarian crusade. It was made very clear to Xi that  this was no idle threat and would make any invasion so astronomically costly, both politically and economically,that Xi could only ignore at his peril, not to mention a phenominal toll on casualties.  There is also a possibility of a political upheaval of the people of China over the magnitude of the devastation. Americans will turn it into a highly protracted warfare which China may not be able to sustain economically and a possible political upheaval from the people.

There is no doubt that Xi has all the military might to carry out the invasion and the world would want to know why he holds back his invasion. Xi may have all the confidence to launch a military adventure but  it is just possible that saner counselling could have prevailed.and he now finds himelf  in a deep dilemma to cross the Rubicon for an invasion.

The Americans are quite confident and may even have called Xi his bluff. This is so far like a conjecture and there is a need to watch closely how Xi could pull off a political salvation with his ingenuity.He cannot retreat as it would be political suicide.

Finally this may tickle some of your imagination. Xi Jin-Ping gives a visage of benignity but it you look closely you may see his fangs.

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