Thursday 8 June 2023

Arbitrary appointments of defeated PAP candidates as advsors to vanquished constituencies

 PAP's arbitrary appointments of defeated  PAP candidates as advisors of vanquished constituencies - do you think this is not an abject lack of morality and a most unkind insult to democracy?

The most recent example of how this could cause the most preposterous charade of skewered authenticity is the HDB organised the MyNice Home Roadshow in Sengkang probably on Sunday 4 June 2023 ostensibly to benefit the residents but more likely to win over voters. The Workers" Party MP Louis Chua had to storm the roadshow univited.  The PAP non-elected advisor Dr.Lim Pin Min and the PAP Sengkang branch manager Ling Weihong were invited instead to grace the occasion with their pompous presence.

What do you think of the autocratic display of high-handed action by the PAP to win voters' confidence? Why are the opposition.especally the Workers' Party so intimidated that they remain reticent. The PAP think that they can get away with their high-handed action to deny the legal opposition candidates from appointments as advisors to the consiituencies.that they represent. ThePAP fully comprehend the psyche f the opposition wards' voters/residents that they will not demur the PAP's high-handed actions in appointing advisors. In fact the PAP is quite safe with all the restrictive laws against unlawful actions and the opposition just could not find the right spark to mount any demonstration. 

So is the Workers' Party resigned to its fate of allowing the PAP to go roughshod on this issue? Have they consider legal recourse because I believe that  they think this may be a non-starter. But has the judiciary any jurisdiction over such matter and it is not too late to find out the fact. It's worthwhile to take the PAP to court if this is feasible and there may just be a High court judge who may have a strong spiritual sense of justice and fairplay. Pritam Singh has a political baggage which will be a severe handicap. Tan Cheng Bock will be an ideal proponent  but may feel lack of moral justification with only two NCMPs in Parliament. Leong Mun Wai NCMP will be simply marvellous. He is a pugnacious proponent to such an overwhelming degree that even PAP stalwarts like K. Shamugam came close to shitting.

There must be some kind of unity among the opposition for such action. Good luck to you all if you decide to venture into the unknown.

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