Wednesday 5 July 2023

A retrospecion to amuse and to evaluate

 It gives me immense felicitation to regale from time to time the ideosyncracies and grotesque caricature manifestations of our so-called elected people's leaders for the enlightenment of the discerning and interested public.

The redoubtable Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is a big hit for such jocular portrayal. He was born with  a golden spoon and had never known any hardship in his entire pampered life. Being the eldest son he was naturally Lee Kuan Uw's pet, principal heir and anointed successor. He started off as a prime minister in a quite impressive benevolent manner but along the way impregnated with the loftiness of egotism and showed frequent glimpses of gross inhumanity.

I happened to ask him once as to where was he when I and my colleagues were fighting the communists in the front line at the risk of our lives. We were prime targets of the communist killer squad. What does he thnk that for what purpose that we were making such sacrifices. It could not be so ungodly that he could think that we were sacrificing so that he and his million-dollar minsters can sit on their fat asses and wallow in their luxurious livelihood at the people's expense. Is there any iota of humility and decency that could be detected among this eminent group.

They were pocketing millions of people's money ostensibly for providing public service and civil servants like us live on poverty line, and below poverty line in my  case, whilst they wallow in luxury. When our Pensioners' Association representatives approached for a raise in our poverty pension they were admonished that they were waiting for us to die because we had served our purpose and what we received was enough. They were peremtorily sent off.

When Lee Kuan Yew was alive the family was a wholesome whole with harmony and filiality. Lee Kuan Yew had hardly warmed his grave and we now see the Lee family dissipated into aboriginal adversaries arising from their in-fighting. Lee Hsien Yang's offsprings seem to be better endowed intellectually and his eldest son Lee Shengwu is an Assistant Professor in Havard University. For some enigmatic reason he is hounded by Lee Hsien Loong so that he has to seek divine beneficence by migrating to the US for the time being. Shengwu was once asked by journalists what he thought of his uncle's vindtictiveness. He answered with a simple profound remark: Ozymandias.  What does Lee Hsien Loong say?

Lawrence Wong is a good choice as Lee Hsien Loong's successor. He has shown his competency in a cmmendable way and is now waiting for Lee Hsien Loong to step down. Is he latter proscrastinating?

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