Tuesday 18 July 2023

The Tan Chuan Jin Mortal Touch

 The bombshell announcement of the sudden resignation of  Tan Chuan Jin from the PAP and as Speaker of Parliament cannot unfluster a profoundly mentally distracted PM Lee Hsien Loong from being morose   as the extra-marital scandal with a  fellow famme fatale colleague which probably reverberated relentlessly ad infinitum mainly  because of its brazen audacity and its possible political thunderstorm. Tan Chuan  Jin and his girlfriend Cheng Li Hui took the most gentlemen way out but it leaves the deflated Lee Hsien Loong holding the hottest potato. I say that it shocked the public unutterably  is just putting it mildly but what is the most uppermost task facing Lee Hsien Loong is damage control.

Equally detrimental to the reputaion of the PAP is the corruption probe of S. Iswaran which also shocked the public at the same time. There were also several scandals which abounded quick recently the most notable being the Ridout Road black and white bungalow scandal rented out to two PAP Ministers. So why are these plethora of scandals manifested at this time to bring down the PAP government to portend for the future? The discerning public are, for the beginning,clamouring for an explanation from Lee Hsien Loong why there had been such a long delay in exposing the Tan Chuan Jin scandal.

Does the series of scandals mean that is the divine signal of the coming of dawn which has eluded the deprived Singaporeans since time immemorial and that any sign from heaven will give them a fillip.So they will watch closely how the scandals will evolve and uppermost in their mind will be whether there will be a dynamic saviour emerging to lead in the autocracy demolition crusade. But now there does not appear to any such saviour on the horizon yet but since they have so long that they are quite resigned to wait a little longer.

Lawrence Wong., the chosen successor of Lee Hsien Loong, could not by any stretch of imagination be the divine assigned saviour. He and Lee Hsien Loong come from the same mould. But whether he will be more humanitarian and  benevolent than the money-minded Lee Hsien Loong wiill not be known until he has taken over  as prme minister. When this will happen will be a million-dollar question depending on the whim of Lee Hsien Loong as to when he will step down.

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