Friday 18 August 2023

The subtle divining hand of fate

 Whether you are clairvoyant or not  it can safely  be said that fate has raken a hand in the presidential election. Therefore it cannot be flabbergasting to our voters that the most promising prospective candidate George Goh can be a casualty by default not of his own making at the whim of fate or not the too remote possibility of a hidden hand. What does this mean to the voters? The first question that should be asked can this be another black operation considering that one had just been executed successfully  under the nose of ISD agsinst WP MP Leon Perera and senior cadre Nicole Seah? With George Goh out of the way no one can deny that the coast is clear for Tharman Shanmugaratnam to romp home to capture the presidency. George Goh has very high credentials, not academic, and charism that could easily dwaft  that of Tharman.You can see that he is a man of the people in his walkabout. Unless you are blind Tharman is typically a dyed- in-the-wool establishment figure however he tried to whitewash  himself. It is patently obvious that George Goh is a great stumbling block to Tharman's presidential ambition. Who would benefit the most from George Goh's disqualification?

Before this you could hear refrain from the people that their head may go to Tharman but their heart is definitely for George Goh. The prize of the presidency will now be fought by three prospective candidates. Despite his deeply-tainted establishment cachet Tharman will be able to beguile more voters than any of his rival vote for him.

Ng Kok  Song is a gallant challenger but notwithstanding his so-called exalted credentials as Chief Investment Officer of GIC I think he falls quite short compared with Tharman. He does not have the   charisma of George Goh nor his down-to-earth personailty which mesmerises the crowd. Ng Kok Song's age may also be a handicap.

I must leave out my comment on Tan Kin LIan. It's possible that he may even lose his deposit.

Do you thnk that there will be blank votes by voters who are pissed?

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