Thursday 18 November 2021

The George E Bogaars Story

I read with keen interest the superb production of the tome on The George E Bogaars Story. 

I need to seek the understanding of the renowned author Ms. Bertha Henson to comment on the George E Bogaars book. It is not the intention, not in the least, to detract in any way from the exquisite portrayal of George E Bogaars by the author in her book. GEB had been my benefactor and maybe quite presumptuous of me to think that I have a duty to complement the superlative narrative in Ms Bertha's book.

GEB's venture to helm the Keppel Shipyard was a calamitous disaster. He simply did not have the business acumen and uncanniness of an astute Chinese business to make a significant success of the venture. He should have seen the writing on the wall and made a timely retreat which could have saved him from his extremely miserable destiny and may have even saved him from the three fatal strokes which could have been attributed to his severe stress in Keppel Shipyard.

However his highly Messianic mission as Director of Special Branch to restore the complete tranquility of security to Singapore, which was the most outstanding achievement of his civil service career, has apparently been overlooked in the book. He reported directly to Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew  and had him literally spellbound  with his highly potent  handling of the revolutionay security threat from the Communist United Front considering that he had only administrative experience.

GEB was such a powerful personality that Lee Kuan yew relied heavily on him,not only on security, but sought his advice sometime on Cabinet matters. We used to have morning meetings with with our senior staff and invariably Lee Kuan Yew would call GEB to chat and be briefed on up-to date intelligence. He even called GEB in the night.There was no doubt that GEB wa so high in the regard of LKY that he had become some kind of legend among senior civil servants.

When LKY courted  Malayan Prime MinisterTungku Abdul Rahman for merger with Singapore he had made lull use of GEB's support for his mission. The Malayan PM used to unwind with his senior ministers in convivial gatherings in Cameron Highland and LKY was usually invited and he brought GEB along to perk up his morale and at the same time to enhance his reputation.

After Singapore became independent in August 1965 GEB was promoted to Permanent Secretary of Interior & Defence and soon after LKY created the post of Head Civil Service to honour him. GEB         was really on a roll but somehow at some stage fate took an unfavourable turn and his fortune took a tumble. His last days in life had not been pleasant or comfortable.

George E Bogaars was in every  respect a top national icon to whom a redoubtable Lee Kuan Yew owed his precious life.

1 comment:

  1. Yoong Siew Wah

    I quote the following comments to give a more correct picture of George E Bogaars' management of Keppel Shipyard.

    By Mr. Ajith Prasad a senior officer who had worked with GEB in MHA and MOF on 18-11-21. Yoong Siew Wah is wrong in GEB's involvement with Keppel. Keppel regards GEB very highly to this day.

    This is what Keppel current CEO Koh Chin Hua wrote recently on 4-8-21. Thanks CB for raising this to me. Whilst I never had the honour of meeting Mr. Bogaars, he is known to all Keppelites for his invaluable contributions in shaping am early Keppel and for laying the foundations for what Keppel is today. An yes, without his foresight in the acquisition of Straits Steamship, Keppel would not have transformed from a shipyard to a multi business company nor would we have a property business today.
