Friday 19 November 2021

Inhumane discrimination against the unvaccinated

 The polemic that is catching the attention of the people is the inhumane discrimination of the unvaccinated prohibiting them from eating at hawker stalls and visiting malls among others. There are now about 200,000 unvaxxed and why do the resist vaxxing? The main reason is fear of adverse reaction while some may be disqallified because of medical conditions. Do they have the human right to resist?

That's a million-dollar question and the millionaire prime minister and his equally wealthy ministers do not think so. True to their character they ride rough-shod over these down-trodden unvaxxed  and proceed with their draconian measures. What can the unvaxxed do to seek recourse to their predicament. Fortunately they have divine benevolence on their side.

The TREmeritus pugnacious crusaders, imbued with the spirit of fighting injustice, have emerged to take up the cudgels for the unvaxxed to take Judicial Review Class Action  against the inhumane PAP PM and ministers to rescind the draconian measures. Whether the TRE crusaders can succeed depends on the concrete support of the public to donate generously for the cause. So far it seems that the donations have been rather sluggish and justice-conscious Singaporeans should be more benevolent in giving donations for a  good cause. Without sufficient funds the TRE crusaders will be hampered in their action as the legal counsel has to be paid.

There is another team from the Healing the Divide (HID) which is also taking judicial proceedings against the PAP ministers for the unvaxxed quite independently from the TRE team which does not forebode well for the lack of unity. There was no dearth of sincere effort by the TRE team to get the HID to agree to joint action but the HID, for reason best known to themselves, turned down any joint action. This will mean that the PAP ministers will be facing a split litigation  and it does not augur well for the unvaxxed. Let's  hope that some good sense will come to the HID team to agree to joint action before the Judicial Review is commenced.

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