Sunday 27 March 2022

A last plea for justice                         26-3-2202

My dear venerable PM Lee Hsien Loong,

I don't mean to disorientate you but maybe if you would honour me by listening to me for perhaps the last time.

I don't know if this is God's vision but it's certainly one of the worst misfortunes in a person's life. I joined the Police and the Special Branch in a moment of destiny because I was inspired that I would do some good deeds to society. It was divine blessing that I was posted to Special Branch at a time of turbulence from the communist armed rebellion. I went into the task of fighting the communists with a sense of dedication that they should at all cost be prevented from capturing power whether through armed struggle or the Communist United Front. I do not intend to go through the intricacies of the humble yet resolute contributions that I played in the defeat of communism and maintaining national security. I don't have to self-glorify but ISD can enlighten you on what humble contributions I had made to Singapore in the maintenance of national security.  I was fighting the communists while you were still sucking your mother's milk.

Notwithstanding what grave injustice your honourable father Lee Kuan Yew had done to me, I am contributing my expertise which I learned in the course of my duty in SB and later in ISD over the years to ISD and I am doing this for the sake of national security and my bond with ISD.  I don't have to boast but you may be able to find out from ISD how valuable is the information to them. What I am trying to do is to make you more empathetic and compassionate to my plea to you for a public apology for your father's sins. Do you expect me to carry this blatant lie to meet my ancestors?  How can this injustice be imposed upon me when I had contributed so much to the nation. It's really the peak of irony and why your father targeted me is till an enigma and cannot be known as it could be a mythical notion is his mind which he had  taken with him to his grave. Is it not human that you have  to do something to redress the iniquity he inflicted on me so that I can clear my name and restore my battered reputation. Surely you don't disbelieve that this is something that a person treasures most in his life. Anyway the Lord will grace you with his blessing if you just show him a little bit of compassion and humanity.

I am not completely without any moral and physical sustenance from well-wishers, sincere friends and former colleagues for my plea for justice but  they cannot do anything for me against the powerful establishment. It just shows that a bravery in seeking justice is reassuring. There are samaritans who may make my going a memorable affair, which may create a disconcertment to you and your holy cohorts.

Well, I hope that there is still some humanity left in your kind self to redress the injustice but I am not overly-distressed if you do not have any conscience to do it.

With the very best.         Yoong Siew Wah

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