Tuesday 22 March 2022

The prodigal son may come home to roost

 lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg                               21-3-2202

Dear Venerable PM Lee HsienLoong,

I am not a psychiatrist but the venerable PM Lee Hsien Loong may be a chameleonic subject that enterprising psychiatrists will be keen to dissect for the imponderables he displays from time to time.  My two emails on 7th and 10th March to him to plead with him to make a public apology for his late honourable father Lee Kuan Yew's grave injustice amounting to defamation inflicted on me must have rattled him to some degree. As expected of a trepidatious reaction of a lofty Lee Hsien Loong he clamped down on it immediately and pretended to be hard of hearing. It's patently a sleight-of-hand charade to confuse the public.

It boggles the mind that a highly righteous personality like PM Lee Hsien Loong could have a flawed characteristic that is an inhibition to his perpetration of justice. It could have been a momentorily dereliction of attention on the part of the Creator when he created Lee Hsien Loong with this defect. My injustice case is a simple and straightforward one which has been festering all these years and swept under the carpet hoping that it will remain there ad infinitum. You either believe if the former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew had told a blatant lie or the truth. It the truth then it becomes imperative that PM Lee Hsien Loong has to prove it. It cannot be the truth because it was so egregiously preposterous a fib that no sane person would believe it. 

So a grave injustice has been inflicted on me and does it not prick the conscience of a government leader like Lee Hsien Loong to at least make a public apology to clear me of the falsified accusation before I depart from this world. Is it a humanitarian act to expect me to take the injustice to the grave?  It's the easiest way to take the egregious inhuman way out is to ignore the responsibility  but this seems to be the path that the almighty Lee Hsien Loong will  be taking.

My last option is to try to get Lee Hsien Loong questioned in Parliament for an explanation of his intransigence in not making a public apology but this may be an intricate process that may not be propitious. So how to get a redress for the injustice that I suffered? It may finally play out by God as the final arbiter of all things whether he uses his power to eternalise a justice for a victimised son.

May Lee Kuan Yew's soul rest in peace.      Yoong Siew Wah

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