Monday 6 May 2024

The pomposity of PM Lee Hsien Loong's career achievements

 In history there were Nazi Germany Adophl Hitler and Indonesia Achmed Surkarno who crew to the world of their political dominance and achievements while their people suffered in their livelihood.

In Singapore Lee Kuan Yew and his superlative politicians including Dr. Goh Keng Swee made world history by transforming Singapore from third world to first world status. His successor woody Goh Chok Tong showed outstanding talent in enhancing the prosperity and harmony of Singapore. Then came sonny boy Lee Hsien Loong who showed great promise coming fresh into his authority of prime minister.  His  was an unencumbered tenure because it was plain sailing with the communists out of action.   He did not experience the baptism of fire that his father went through.

Anybody with any sense of ingenuity will be able to achieve what Lee Hsien Loong  had daunted his guillible audience with his achievements in his farewell speech on Mayday lst May. It shows his lack of modesty and humility in portraying himself as some kind of titan in bringing Singapore to its present prosperity and racial harmony. That he should be credited for his part in accomplshing  this cannot be overlooked.but to sit o their fat asses and enjoy the luxuries of life at people's expense after our sacrifices in fighting the communists  is character at the bottom of the human pit.

What made him to hand over his baton ahead of his scheduled date is a mystery but will his successor Lawrence Wong be up to the scratch in taking over.  He strikes me as a flamboyant and ostentatious figure with an avid guitar player background. Singapore needs more than a guitar player to take it our of a crisis when it faces one. But Lee Hsien Loong is head over heels as to his competence. Let's wait and see when he takes over and performs if it's not too late.


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