Friday 13 March 2020

The Universal Devastation of the Coronavirus

The World Health Organisation has declared that the Coronavirus is a pandemic with the implications that the world is going to face the horrifying threat of existential devastation.

Singapore seems to be handling the crisis well, a credit to the self-centred PM Lee Hsien Loong and his cohort of mercenary minsters. They are probably trying to justify their obscene salaries drawn from the taxpayers money apart from trying to show that they are altuistic. Other countries like China, where the virus originated, South Korea  and Italy are so badly affected that they are at their wits' end trying to find a solution. china, however, is showing some sign of improving the situation.

Some devout christians may atttribute this crisis, based on the bible, to a pestilence imposed by God as a punishment of the sinners. But Chinese President Xi Jin Ping can hardly be regarded as an unpardonable sinner. There are other similar, if not more, notorious sinners like the US President Donald Trump, the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and certain other notorious Middle East butchers. Could they also be the targets of the wrath of God. It may not sound so plausible and scientists are stlll baffled trying to find the origin of this behemoth and may not find the answer.

Meanwhile experts have predicted that the coronavirus will last till the end of the year. This is not sanguine and the world may face the gloomy prospect of facing a prolonged period of existential devastation resulting in the deterioration of the peoples' livelihood.What will happen if it does not end at the end of the year?  Even after the crisis is over it will still take a long time for rehabilitation.
What is it that brings such a gigantic disaster to the world may never be found.


  1. There is another god of this world. Satan. He seems under control but his time is running short.

  2. I would say it's a sign of the end. It's also telling people all over the world to Repent because the only solution right now is Jesus Christ unless you are one of the elites there.
