Sunday 19 April 2020

The Coronavirus a mortality incarnate

The azure sky is now covered by a lethal coronavirus mist that looms large like a spectre in the people's mind.And while Rome is burning the million-dollar PM Lee Hsien Loong and his venal ministers are fiddling in their incompetence in combating the virus.When they are paid millions of dollars from the taxpayers' money there should be corresponding competency in dealing with the crisis compared to the less money-minded leaders in the larger countries in the West and Asia.

They belatedly introduced their brain-wave circuit breaker measures which they hoped to be an antidote to the spread of the virus but to the people's dismay the incidence of the virus seemed to inflate to the staggering extent of 924 cases yesterday which could instill fear in the populace. But this is like a zugzwang to the PAP government n their desperate effort to come up with a life-saving plan to combat the virus. Perhaps they can take a leaf out of Taiwan's book to deal with the crisis if they have the humility to do it.

This is a time that the PAP government cannot afford to lose the confidence of the people of Singapore and they must do everything possible to convince the people that they have their interests at heart and deserve the millions of dollars that they were forced to invest in them. PM Lee Hsien Loong and his equally avaricious spouse are worth something in the region of a hundred million n their assests and this could be something to be sniffed at.

There is quite a considerable amount of recrimination between the United States and China over the origin of the coronavirus that will never be resolved. It is a fact that it originated from Wuhan in China but how this was evolved is something which even world renowned scientists have no answer to. So could it be a pestilence imposed by God to punish sinners as believed by some devout Christians is a moot point and could be thought-provoking.

The world economy is in a shambles arising from the coronavirus and that it could be dragged into the next year is staggering but which must be faced and mentally prepared. At least the PAP government shows a conscionable degree of benevolence in introducing generous emergency budgets to lighten the hardships of Singaporeans badly impoverished by the crisis. This will go down as a redeeming factor in favour of the PAP government and cannot be ignored. They will likely benefit from this to enhance their chances in the next general election.

While PM Lee Hsien Loong and his affluent ministers are living in luxury they must not forget that there is a multitude of poverty-stricken homeless Singaporeans who sleep in the open and more who live on the poverty line. Until the PAP government could find a holistic solution to this social stigma there can never be any utopia-like existence in Singapore.

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