Sunday 23 October 2022

PM Lee Hsien Loong                       16.10.2022

Dear Minister K. Shanmugam,

May I intrude upon your privacy to seek your kind help in solving an intractable problem I have with PM Lee Hsien Loong. I don't know if you are au fait with my case of being abused by the late Lee  Kuan Yew's grave injustice. You may recall that Lee Kuan Yew delivered a blatant lie amounting to defamation in the august Parliament House and had it telecast live to Singapore and the world. Recently I sought a public apology from PM Lee Hsien Loong for his father's sin. He is such a clever politician that he took the course of burying his head in the sand and pretending that nothing had happened. In spite of my repeated appeal to him he remained burying his head in the sand.

It's really a droll situation for a Prme Minister to behave so puerile like a tantrumed child. This may or may not flabbergast you and you may or may not tacitly believe because he is respected by you as your Prime Minister, but seeing is believing. It will be interesting if you can get a candid opinion from discerning Singaporeans. Do you know that in spite of the grave injustice and hostility from Lee Kuan Yew and his prodigal son Lee Hsien Loong I am making not an insignificant contribution for three years and continuing to the ISD. Why a sane person would be doing such a paradoxical thing? I am a believer in God and I think I was guided by a Divine voice from above. You think the ISD would be happy if I take it with me to te grave? I do not do it for money but don't you think I deserve some show of civilised grateful acknowledgement of my modest patriotism from PM Lee Hsien Loong or is he really so inhuman? 

Do you  think a grave injustice is a noble thing for me to take to the grave given my meritorious contribution to the maintenance of national security during my service? This is where I wish to appeal to your noble sense of justice and fairplay to get in a word to the barricaded mind of Lee Hsien Loong to make a public apology for his father's sin. If he feels constrained for any reason to apologise could he not be generous enough to let me know his inhibition so that I can think of other options.You have a strong and solid principle which Lee Hsien Loong could not fail to appreciate and you will be doing him and me a great service if you would only just condescend to labour to lift your  hand (举手之劳) like the Chinese say. You not only have my profound gratitude but you will be imbued with a feeling of eminent loftiness for having done a most humanitarian mission.

Iw will be my most earnest hope to hear from you whether a good or bad tidings. My friends will be mesmerised by any good tidings for my sake and for the sake of Lee Hsien Loong.

May you be given the Divine blessing         Yoong Siew Wah (former ISD Director)

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