Thursday 2 May 2024

The earhshattering farewell speech of PM Lee Hsien Loong

 The tranquil atmosphere of Singapore was erupted by the earthshattering speech of PM Lee Hsien Loong . That he chose Mayday 1st May to do it shows his craftiness.True to his pompous character he held court to mesmerize his guillible audience on his superhuman achievements in bringing prosperity and racial harmony to Singapore. He had the physiognomy of an arrogant war conqueror haranguing over his enemies huddled among themselves listening in awe.There was not the slightest trace of modesty or humility in his mien.

That PM Lee Hsien Loong had done a superb magnificent job in bringing Singapore to its present unprecedented prosperous and harmorous state cannot be denied. This is not intended to denigrate him in any way. But it is interesting to know that in all his examplary and exqusite exterior could there be any character flaw, maybe sublimal , in him. The most glaring character defect is his and his ministers avariciousness in pocketing millions of people's money ostensibly for so-called public service but in actual fact to enrich themselves. I brought this to his attention several times but it seemed like water off duck's back.

I and my colleagues fought the communists in the front line at the risk of our lives to prevent Singapore from falling into the hands of the communists. We were prime targets for the communist killer squad.PM Lee Hsien Loong and his ministers could not be so dense to think that we made these sacrifices so that they can sit on their fat asses and enjoy the luxuries of life at people's expense.

the draw millions of people's money for their salaries and my colleagues and I live on poverty pension at starvation level. Our Pensioners' Association approached them for a small raise in our pension in order for us to survive.  Our representatives were told that we had served our purpose, what we received was enough and that they were waiting for us to die.  Can there be such wicked and cruel human being to make such despicable utterance?

PM Lee Hsien Loong owes me a public apology for his father's sin but he had adopted a reticent posture. I quoted him a Chinese saying: to uphold righteousness over family members (even your father) (大义灭亲) but he does not seem ready to act.

And quite ironically he now portrays himself as a benign and humanitarian prime minister.

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