Thursday 6 June 2024

My humble perception of the man Lee Hsien Loong

 Once a man of influence now he has become a coward (a famious Chinese idiom which literary means a turtle which retracts its head into its shell)  (曾是风云人物  现已成为缩头乌龟).  Whether this can reflect on Lee Hsien Loong is left to the perception of the public (人各有智)  (each has his own wisdom).

He looks slightly run down which is so in contrast to the exquisite personality of PM  Lawrence Wong who seems to be on a roll in his performance since his sworn-in as prime minister. His attire was impeccable and he handled his foreign guests almost like a veteran.

On the other hand Lee Hsien Loong seems to be trying hard to give an imp ression of confidence but seems to be flustered when making his presentation.He could overshadow Lawrence Wong in eloquence and forcefulness when he spoke as prime minister but seems to be now lacking this touch. It was not so bad in his speech at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Founders' Memorial but you could hardly recognise him on other occasions.

I have always pictured the post of senior minister as a sinecure drawing a substantial salary and doing sweet nothing. The erratic appearance of Lee Hsien Loong since his retirement as prime minister is an eye-opener of the man who is now a far cry from his pomposity of his farewell speech at the May Day Rally. He is a pathetic sight in contrast to the impressive appearance of Lawrence Wong.Lee Hsien Loong  seems to be in a state of flux and not knowing what task to perform  as senior minister. Maybe he is thinking of visiting his constituents in Teck Kee Ward in AMK GRC to justify hi substantial salary as senior minister.

He was a dragon ruling the heavens and his relegation means that he has now come down to earth,  not a simple fall from grace.Whether  there will be retribution from to follow from people he had transgressed like his siblings, Terry Xu of TOC and many others will be keenly watched.

Good luck to Lee Hsien Loong and may God bless him.


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