Saturday 9 May 2020

The egregious saga of Ho Ching

The name Ho Ching represents clear, pure and lucid. But it is anything but pure and lucid judging from the voluminous amount of vitriolic critiques by Singaporeans on the esoteric concealment of her so-called obscenely astronomical salary Singaporeans and citizens of other democratic countries are simply mind-boggled how a democratic government like Singapore could be so insouciant in unheeding the demand of its citizens to seek the truth of the enormity of the salary of the spouse of the prime minister who has been, whether equitably of not, foisted as a Chief Executive Officer of a government sovereign corporation, the Temasek Holdings.The appointment has indeed raised the ire of discerning Singaporeans since its beginning not excluding the possibility of nepotism but it is the secrecy of Ho Ching's salary that has raised the hackles of Singaporeans. And the continued trepidations of the PAP government to conceal it has not helped in any way to restore the confidence of Singaporeans in the PAP government.

It titillates the imagination to watch how long the PAP government can beguile the citizens with their intransigence. They may get away with it with some of the more guillible Singaporeans and may be encouraged to persist in their shenanigan but I think there must come a time for them to relent. Singaporeans will have to be very patient to wait for that fateful day because it is like the mountain won't come to Mohammad.

Ho Ching may be tempted to emulate the the radical feminism of Jiang Qing (江青), the notorious wife of the late Chairman Mao Tze Tong of China in fllaunting her prowess but whether she will be able to achieve that will depend on how long her joker husband can remain as prime minister. But in the meantime we may be able to be amused by some stand-up comedians in their antics. Both husband and wife are filthy rich and may have assests in the region of $100 million which can see them through their luxrious living for several generations to come. The irony is that whilst PM Lee Hsien Loong and his venal ministers are pocketing millions of dollars from taxpayers' money, the hmanitarian or inhumantarian Lee Hsien Loong showed his ugly feature in his downright refusal to raise the poverty level pensions of civil servants who retired more than thirty years ago and receiving the same pension whilst the cost of living is rising from time to time. If he can be described as humanitarian then the epithet should be changed to something more suitable to his sadistic character. He is as humnanitarian as his infamous father.

May God bless him.

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