Friday 15 May 2020

The PAP's comic opera on Ho Ching's salary

It might have given Singaporeans and citizens of other countries in the East and West that the issue of Ho Ching's salary was a matter of monumental concern that affects the destiny of the rise and fall of Singapore. It really boggles the mind of Singaporeans and foreigners the ferocious tenacity that PM Lee Hsien Loong and his venal ministers have put up to resist very persistent vocal demand by the public to know how Ho Ching's salary could be such a national secret that it could not be disclosed to the public. The only impression that the public can draw is that it is of such an enormous nature that it will cause a gigantic public uproar that may be intractable and defy any civilised explanation.

On 5 May 2020 Workers' Party MP Leon Perera very skilfully raised a question in Parliament whether or not giving the real figure after POFMA directives are issued against allegedly false figure will really meet the objective of reinforcing trust in those institutions. You can easily knock someone down with a feather by the way the PAP Minister Indranee Rajah replied that the matter is before the court which is an independent tribunal and it will  decide on the specific question of public trust. Don't you think she should be given a gold medal for her ingenuity or the lack of it? I have said before that PAP politicians are simply money-minded charlatans and I think I have to be proved wrong. It does not take more than a dolt to remind them that all it takes to solve the prickly problem is to disclose the real figure instead of concealing behind a rigmarole.

PM Lee Hsien Loong cannot beguile the public for eternity and there must come a time when he has to show some conscience in relenting. This may not adversely affect his election prospects but he has at some time or rather to show that he has a whit of conscience to heed the public plaintive cry for justice. I think it will be more to his interest to calm the public's mind on the salary status of his beloved wife as continued fermentation of the issue is not going to reflect kindly on his wife in particular and on himself in general.

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