Wednesday 28 August 2024

An accolade for PM Lawrence Wong

There is always a silver lining. PM Lawrence Wong may not be the ideal prime minister that is everyone's cup of tea but it is only fair that any show of merit on his part should be given public approbation.

Prime minister's visits to Basic Military Training Centre  (BMTC)  have always been a prosaic affair which hardly attracted public excitement. I think PM Lawrence Wong's visit to the BMTC in Pulau Tekong on Monday 26 August created an econoclastic picture that projected him as a down-to-earth people's prime minister. He shed his normal attire and put on a T shirt and short pants like the recruits and joined them in a 2.4 km run just like a recruit. His amiable interaction could not but leave a deep impression in the mind of the recruits, not less the officers'. I don't think the cocky Lee Hsien Loong had ever lowered himself to run with BMTC recruits in his career. He only ensconced himself in his ivory tower and his only public artificial show is his so-called constituency visit to his Teck Key Ward in AMK GRC. It is not unreasonable for PM Lawrence Wong to show that he is a cut above Lee Hsien Loong as prime minister.

PM Lawrence Wong could be perfect if he would overcome some aspects of his inhumanitarianism of his character. For instance he could be less intransigence in dealing with the obscene astronomical ministerial salaries which is seen by the public as plundering people's wealth. It needs no imagination to expose this as their greediness in enriching themselves with people's money ad infinitum. If he is honest enough to modify their venality PM Lawrence Wong could go down in Singapore history as the most upright prime minister. 

He thinks he is some kind of Messiah and behaves like one. He believes he is the son of God descended from heaven to save Singapore from a troubled world. He likes to believe that the people think he is full of wisdom to accomplish this.  In other words he portrays himself as a savior.

May God bless him and Singapore.


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