Wednesday 4 September 2024

A glimpse of the obscurantism of Singapore society

 This is not an attempt at self-exaltation but to give a glimpse of the obscurantism of the Singapore society.

May I begin with the disclosure that I come from a humble beginning. It was fate that  moved me to Singapore where I languished as a a lowly clerk in the British Army Base Ordnance Depot. It  was again fate that transformed me to join the Singapore Police Force where I was appointed a police inspector and posted to Special 1951.

The Malayan Communist Party had started an armed struggle with the British and Singapore was in some kind of pandemonium with the communist assassins going round shooting reactionaries and traitors with immunity because Special  Branch was badly handicapped by a severe lack of intelligence. My colleagues and I were prime targets for assassination because we were fighting them on the front line.The British with their military might was hopelessly unable to defeat the communists and it was up to an independent Singapore Government under Lee Kuan Yew and his merrymen to annihilate the communists.and restore Singapore to its peaceful and democratic state.

Although Lee Kuan Yew, a prominent lawyer, and his merrymen came with very powerful credentials they were simply no match for the communists who controlled the mass base. They were indeed on the cusp of being devoured by the communists and it was God's blessing that Special Branch with the help of the then Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock who emerged to save them from being gobbled up and pave the way for them to achieve a landslide victory in the 1959  general election to form the PAP Government with Lee Kuan Yew as prime minister. What they have done to bring progress and prosperity to Singapore is well-known.

There were interesting anecdotes during their rein that could stimultate the memories of Singaporeans. One was the earth-shattering American CIA attempt to recruit me as their intelligence agent in 1961.We set a trap and put paid to their sinister adventure. Three high-level CIA officers were arrested and detained and the botched operation was so acutely infamous that it reverberated right up to the White House and severely disconcerted the American President John Kennedy. Lee Kuan Yew capitalised on it by raising his world political standing to a dizzying height  that the was able to browbeat John Kennedy and tried to extort US30 million as  compensation  but John Kennedy was no fool and rejected his demand.

The most significant aspect of this debacle was what would have happened if I had succumbed to the CIA allurement and became their agent. Even Indonesian President Sukarno was eatng out of the CIA hand so would it be possible that Lee Kuan Yew could have been out of CIA clutches? would Singapore history remain intact?

What I had contributed in my service to Singapore could not have been emulated even by the illustrious  Lee Hsien Loong or his merry ministers with or without their guts. What was really inhuman and low-down was the so-called gratitude that Lee Kuan Yew accorded me by defaming me with a blatant lie telecast live from Parliament House. No Singapore judge dared to convict him and I was left in limbo. I   requested his son Lee Hsien Loong to make a public apology for his Father's sin but he remained dumb.

I think it was God who gifted me with my writing skill to do a good cause. And I have been using it to fulfill a public service to the people of Singapore through my website Singaporer Recalcitrant to critique Lee Hsien Loong and the PAP for any shortcoming in their so-called public service or political antics.  I get strong support from two professional websites Temasek Review Emeritus and The online Citizen.

The new prime minister Lawrence Wong started promisingly but soon show his true colours  as coming from the same stock. He is so consumed by his venality of  unethical wealth from obscene astronimical ministerial salaries that he is dragging his feet to initiate action to modify it in spite of vocal public demands. He shows some illusory signs of humaneness but seem to be submerged by a more unsavoury persona.

I was just thinking which may be wistful. How celestial it could be if I could politically persuade SM Lee Hsien Loong and PM Lawrence Wong to have good yarn with me for a detente between us.They say the sun must rise from the West for this to happen.

Anyway I pray to God to give his blessings to these two titans.


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