Wednesday 9 October 2024

An open letter to Andrew of TRE

 I came from a humble beginning and it was the merciful and compassionate motivation of God hat nurtured me  throiuh all my hardships till I was quite unexpectedly propelled to the apex of my career as Director ISD.I had been through the most severe baptism of fire in my career and this came as a divine gratification to me. I was enjoying the high-flying political kaleidoscope that my office may have engendered but this blithe imagery was unfortunately blighted by the iniquitous [resnec of two  villians of the piece in the persons of Tay Seow Huah and SR Nathan. For some esoteric, maybe not so, reason  they were intent on demolishing my career. By some weird belonging They had the ear of PM Lee Kuan Yew. and showed no lack of diligence in whispering malicious evils about me which the guillible Lee Kuan Yew readlly devoured. In course of time I came to grief with Lee Kuan Yew and much later suffered grave injustice at his hand.I reqested his son larer PM Lee Hsien Loong to make  public apology for his father;s sin but he remained dumb/

So you can just imagine what a prcarious position I was in and could i ever get any vindication? This was a million dollar question. I think I was privileged to attract the compassion of God who in his divine way gifted me a writing skill to start a website for a good cause. I set up a website which I named Singapore Recalcitrant and wrote incisive critiques on the shortcomings of Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong and the PAP. And now PM Lawrence Wong comes within my fussilade. All  these are fair game. My modest gifted writing skill with God's blessing commanded a fairly wide readership. And I received strong support from TRE and The Online Citizen. But I thnk my strident critiques may have in some way over-awed ISD but they could not deny that I had been subjected to grave injustice by Lee Kuan Yew, They ould only hope that I excercise more restrain but could not or preferred not to do anything. They could not be in denial that I had contributed significantly to ISD. Some issues are too outrages  to be overlooked like the obscene astronimcal ministerial salaries. Alhough discern Singaporeans and I had made clamourous demands it just seems like water falling  over the avaricious PM Lawrence Wong's head. Only a miracle will wake him up from his slumber.

TRE had right from the beginning given me very strong support in giving prominent publicity to my articles on their website. When Andrew took over the dissemination we became acquainted found rapport with each other because of our mutual appreciation of our polirtical perception.I found him to be a compassionate person and our friendship became more fraternal. So when the TRE was threatened with closure without extensive repairs they had difficulty in getting funds for repair. No crowdfunding  and no loans from banks. Andrew approached me and I managed to get my bosom friend Tan Chee Chye to donate $2000. They were still short of $3000 and in desperation as a las resort Andrew appealed to me to make a personal loan. I was sympathetic  because TRE and the Online Citizen are performing an indispensable public service to counter the PAP propaganda through the Straits Times. Without them the people can be hoodwinked to believe what the PAP propagated to them.

I looked to God for guidance and it dis not surprise me when He benevolently divined  me to make the $3000 loan to TRE. My son Victor remitted the $3000 by Paypal to TRE the following day and I told Andrew that the money was from my life saving account which I need to keep me from starving to death in my remaining days . I am living from hand to mouth on a poverty pension .I was horiiied when I could not get any repayment upon repeated request. Finally Andrew promised that TRE would make full repayment of $3000 at the end of the year  It sounded like begging alms and there was nothing I could do but to accept most reluctantly what Andrew was offering like some alms to a begger. I am quite philosophycal. When a person gives out a loan there is a possibility that it will be swallowed and he won't see it again. Will this happen to me?  It's fate and let's just see.

It;s just a matter of interest  for me to  mention this. I hope Andrew will keep his promise and I will receive my full repayment at the end of the year . If TRE or he reneges on it I am  not sure that it will not give serious consequnces. Besides this there is the question of the reputation of TRE and Andrew's integrity which may lead  to the public branding of swindling hustlers. I earnestly hope that it will not come to that with God's blessing. I have asked my bosom friend retired lawyer PKWong to help just in case I don't get repayment.

With God's blessing we can still in a rapport friendship for as long as we want.

Adieu and God bles you.  Yoong Siew Wah.


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