Saturday 18 June 2022


 新加坡能成为世界第一级国家已故李光耀的伟大功劳是不可否認  本来他足以成为世界顶尖民主政治家行例中  可是他的人格有一点瑕疵  他对他的政敌所用的残忍的手段是有良心的人不敢恭维

中国的朝代统治在清朝已经灭忙  可是在新加坡却出现李氏皇朝   李光耀是决心他儿子李显龙继承他为总理  他很狡滑地把人称为木頭的吴作栋插进作为暖座的总理  乳臭未乾的幸云儿李显龙就成为总理  他很了不起的摆起他的总理的作风   第一件事为人民服务就要拿过百万人民的钱作为服务費  这是天大的耻辱和滑稽  你们有听过那个国家的领袖摄取过百多万人民的钱为他们服务  荒谬之极  美国这样大国的总统的年薪是李显龙四份之一(四十万美金) 我们的总理和部长是不是掏金服务  他们摄取这么多人民的钱是不是给他们下一代豪华生活   他们三代都吃不完

像我的公务员在紧急法令初期经过火的洗礼的牺牲李显龙与他的贪婪的部长能够用他们的肥屁股坐稳摄取过万人民的钱来盡量享受他们豪华的生活  这班富总理及部长可能不知道有很多人生活在赤贫的界线上  朝不補夕  有很多人无家可归而睡在空地上  可能沈迷在豪华生活中而爱莫能助或者吾不欲观之矣  你们以为薪加坡是不是一个民主与社会平等的国家

虎父无犬子  李光耀与李显龙有一个共同的特徵   他们倆人都有很强的欲望到国外嚣长表现他们的政治智慧   李光耀可以说留下一个深刻的印像   李显龙则表现得很怪癖   他不经过大脑就向一些领袖说一些嘲叽或亵渎他们的狂言  令到他们如习近平啼笑皆非

有记者问他是不是北京的私语者(Beijing Whisperer)    他很爽快的否認   但人人皆知他有他很奉承和谄媚的北京和华盛顿的乾爹

行动党已从薪加坡独立到现在而李显龙与他的贪婪部长都满到袋袋平安  盘满钵满   而是为民服务  有没有听过这样讽刺荒谬的说法

你们有没有想过希望有一个不摄取百多万人民的钱而真实为kan民服务的政府   我们且看有没有这个可能   工人党的毕丹在星你们認为可以担当我们的救星  他所处理党议员辣玉莎在国会撒谎的案件令人很大失   ming新加坡前进党的陈清木医生的声望很高   很获得选民的爱心   还须要时间和人才方可能完成任务  看情形可能须要上帝的奇迹来协助  不过有可能渺茫  最后的奇迹是冥冥之中杀出个程咬金

李显龙与他的昏君部长可能还蒙在鼓里   同我一班的公务员是在生死关头经历最恶烈的火的洗礼所作的牺牲李显龙与他的班子能享受他们豪华的生活   但我们所得的酬劳是赤贫退休金   我问李显龙他们拿过百万人民的钱   可以不可以加我们高过赤贫一点的退休金我们过着好一点的生活   他连回答都懒得给   是不是铁石心肠

我已撰写我的回忆录而只能在我过世后才能刊登   我已授权淡马锡网站 (TR Emeritus)刊登   我对淡马锡有很深刻的感激   它全力支持我对抗李光耀对我的不正义的压迫   而且它很诚恳的替我安排一个纪念网站在我去世时播出    我的回忆录是记載未公开的一些精彩新加坡争取独立斗争的历史

Friday 10 June 2022

A satirical paronamo of Singapore

 That Singapore has reached a first world status from a third world as a world-renowned cosmopolitan haven with racial harmony, the credit may be attributed to a prescient and entreprsing Lee Kuan Yew but he also had an ugly persona in his cruel inhuman treatment of his political opponents. The Lee dynasty must go on and his prodigal son, Lee Hsien Loong, was destined to be his anointed successor and the woody Goh Chok Tong was chosen as a seat-warmer until Lee was ready to take over.

Lee Hsien Loong was born with a golden spoon and he just simply ensconed himself into the perks and luxuries of his high office and pocketing with his mercenary cohorts millions of people's money to perform public service. What kind of public service that they perform that require such obscene homongous remuneration? You find people living at a poverty subsistence level and people who sleep in the open.  You think Singapore is a democratic and equalitarian society? 

These mercenary politicians, who sit on their fat asses and wallowing in their perks and luxuries, will not survive a single day if they went through the kind of baptism of fire that civil servants like us went through in our sacrifices in the past for them to luxuriate in their livelihood. When we fought the communists Lee Hsien Loong was still sucking his mother's milk.

In order not to be outdone by his late father Lee Kuan Yew who mesmerised world leaders with his political astuteness the prodigal son Lee Hsien Loong frequently hobnobbed with world leaders like Xi Jinping of China and Joe Biden and previous presidents of America and sometimes uttered nonsense to the consternation of Singaporeans. He was asked but disclaimed that he was either a Beijing or a Washington whisperer.  It is well known that he has a Beijing sugar daddy and a Washington sugar daddy who doted on him for his obsequiousness.

Lee Hsien Loong's consummate political jesting has no parallel and could not fail to  amuse world leaders exceedingly if it does not make them delirious. Will his anointed successor Lawrence Wong be of the same mould? Let's hope he has more character and transcends his comical master.

Will there be any transformation of the status quo in the foreseeable future in Singapore?  Pritam Singh is an abject disappointment in his handling of the Raseeah Khan scandal and cannot be seen as a possible saviour of Singapore. Dr. Tan Cheng Bock is a more promising benefactor but he needs more time and talents to fulfull his mission. So what prospects can there be for Singaporeans to have a better future? Only God could provide this miracle and the sad thing is that this could be an eternity. Meanwhile we are manacled by a benign and avaricious PAP government headed by benevolent politician.

I have composed my memoir which is awaiting publication. I think it's a very edifying narrative which should enlighten the public because it narrates in personal form the trials and tribulations that we went through in our baptism of fire. I have been told and accepted that it could only be published posthumously.  TRE website has very kindly  undertake the publication after I am gone. A very splendid show of public-spiritedness.