Monday 28 November 2022

A crack in the armour of Xi Jinping' China

 It is an incredibly amusing that a crack has appeared in the armour of Xi Jinping's China. The venerable father figure hasd just been returned as the President for the third term and this seismic turmoil  of such magnitude could explode in his face over his zero-Covid measures which involved the prolonged severe lockdowns and quarantine that have exceed the Chinese people's patience and tolerance to a breaking point. Under the Chinese Communists  iron-hand administration there could not be any kind of resistence to the authorities on pain of liquidation. That there could have been such massive of resistence this time over the zero-Covid measures could not only have overawed Xi but could have rattled him deeply. It is also surprising that there was no swooping down on the protesters by the People's Liberation Army to quell the uprising. Could it have been a sudden quirk of conscience that prevailed upon Xi to be more humanitarian which is quite starling that there could still be any wee bit of conscience in a not exactly benign behemoth. Will there be a witch hunt of protest leaders after this?

Sinophiles see an angelic physiognomy in Xi but because they are engrossed with the idolisation of  their hero they are unable to see his fangs even on closer look. The American and Taiwanese leaders are more discerning and the latest anti-Xi demonstrations over his zero-Covid measures could have bestowed some reprieve upon them. in their crusade to deter Xi in his intoxicating desire to reunify Taiwan by peaceful or military means.There iss now probably by devine blessing a dynamic saviour of Taiwan on the horizon. He is none other than a 43 year-old Harvard-trained lawyer named Chiang Wan-an who is the great grandson of General Chiang Kai Shek, the first president of Taiwan after retreating there upon defeat by the Chinese Communist Party. He has a political acument that could surpass his famous ancestors  and he has just been elected as Mayor of Taipei, capital of Taiwan. He is already been overwhemingly acknowledged as the next president of Taiwan to replace outgoing Tsai En-wen. Xi will find him a more formidable adversary than Tsai and with US open pledge of defence support against invasion Xi may not find his quest for Taiwan's reunification a smooth venture without nightmare.

Friday 25 November 2022

守得云开见月明 Every cloud has a silver lining

新加坡是不是一个民主平等的国家?李显龙与他的领班将过百万人民的钱纳入私囊。 您認为是不是真正为人民服务还是一群贪婪的江湖政客?这世界有那个国家的领袖拿过百万人民的钱为人民服务?美国是世界最强大的强国而美国总统的年薪是少过李显龙四份之一。是不是狂妄自大不言而谕。他認为自己比美国总统四倍的重要

我们这班公务员在五十年初在紧急法令下所作的牺牲才能給李显龙这班瓜子拿人民的钱来享受豪华生活。 我们所得的酬劳是赤贫的养老金。 因为生活费的续渐的高涨。 我们公会的会长和副会长便向部长和总理要求加些我们的养老金令我们过得比赤贫一点高的生活。他们很傲慢的拒绝  他们对我们的代表说。 你们服务已经够妥当  你们所得的养老金是足够  我们是等着你们去世  他们究竟是不是人  能够讲这样无人道和缺德的话。最可耻和最无良心的是这些所谓总理和部长拿过百万人民的钱饱入私囊。

他们正在享受豪华生活。他们可能不知道街上有老婆婆坚捡纸匣谋生。有很多在赤贫上过活。有很多在街上或草萍晚上睡觉。在这时侯这些总理和部长是在他们的豪华住宅抱着他们的娇妻高枕无忧。您们说这是不是平等的社会?您们或者还在解谜如何会有这麽多晕着头脑的选民每届都投票给人民行动党组织政府。各有各智。而很难得到一个真实的答案。看情形在短时间内很难推反行动党。 所以得守得云开见月明。人民一定会重见天日。