Tuesday 30 August 2022

The Tiger and the Trojan Horse by Dennis Bloodworth

 John Drysdale was more scholarly in his presentation in his magnum opus Singapore:Struggle for Success whereas Dennis Bloodworth was more down- to- earth in portraying the clandestine conspiracy of the communist underground and United Front and the internecine srtruggle between the PAP leadership headed by Lee Kuan Yew and the Communist United Front (CUF) led by Lim Chin Siong for supremacy in achieving political power. It is really amazing how Bloodworth could have access to so secretive and revealing of the communist underground and CUF blueprint for the capture of the PAP moderate leadership and the political power of establishing a communist government.  Bloodworth was able to narrate it in such an animated and intimated form as if  vicariously and tinged with a tad of humour and cynicism here and there which gives the reader a sense of  mystique in imbibing it. 

Lee Hsien Loong was still sucking his mother's milk when all this was happening. He and his mercenary cohorts will simply melt into oblivion if face with such a gargantuan communist avalanche. Civil servants like us were in the front line fighting the communists and ambitious politicians like Lee Kuan Yew and his and his gallant cavaliers were just no match for Lim Chin Siong who commanded the Chinese mass and would have been likely to be gobbled by Lim and his communist combatants. It was a very courageous saviour Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock who ordered a devastating swoop with Special Branch as his hatchet man on the communist revolutionaries  that paved the way for Lee Kuan Yew to redeem his ambition. Dr. Toh Chin Chye and Dr. Goh Keng Swee were quick to acknowledge the great favour that Lim Yew Hock had so nobly given them but Lee  Kuan Yew was typical in his reluctance and may be still in a daze. Lee Kuan Yew was therefore able to inherit Lim Chin Siong mass base and went on to make a complete sweep of the general election in 1959 which propelled him to the post of prime minister.

For the sacrifices that civil servants like us made through the baptism of fire to make it possible for mercenary politicians like Lee Hsien Loong and his greedy cohorts to wallow in luxuries of their high office we were rewarded with a poverty-level pension.  When the cost of living began to spike from time to time our pensions remained stagnant. I approached Lee Hsien Loong to consider a raise in our pensions so that it will ease our burden of living on a starvation subsistence level. You will never believe the kind of charitable response that was hurled at us. "You have served your purpose. What you get is enough. We are waiting for you to die"  The minister who said it was Dr. Richard Hu  who was then the Finance Minister to the President and Vice-President of the Pensioners' Association who saw him to raise our pensions. But Lee Hsien Loong endorsed it tacitly. You think they are human to make such callous remarks?  And they were pocketing millions of people's money to enrich themselves and wallow in luxuries.

Lee Hsien Loong gives the impression that he is generous and compassionate in giving subsidies to the people ostensibly to lighten their burden during the Covid 19 and the considerable rise in the cost of living. What he is actually paying the people is the people's money like they are pocketing millions of people's money. Will there be a salvation in the foreseeable future?  You have an Opposition leader who is a joker  and with his antics you think he will be able to cause an upset to the PAP? The status quo will stay for a considerable time. And the people may need the blessing of God.

Thursday 11 August 2022


 理想世界是一个和平和平等的天下   中国能够达到现在世界第一或第二强国的地位是它的荣耀   很多国家对它都很尊敬和颂拜   美国之前是独一的强国   但现在是受到中国的抗衡    本来两国是可以和平共处   不过为了各街自得利益就时常发生利益冲突    各自各有理   美国仿佛是被动而可能是中国的怀疑心理所引起   不过每次都没有闹到冲突而世界国家感谢主能平安无事

一些国家的人民则对中国的印象是强权嚣张   可能是敏感但也不能怪它们有这种印象   一个例子就是这次过度要致台湾于死地的军演   美国高宫访问台湾是例常的事     而中国对美国议长佩洛西这次访问台湾发这么过度的军演反应是不可思议    她是在礼仪上去台湾拜访蔡英文总统而同时给台湾人民的士气一些鼓励    中国却想到她是发动独立   有可能有这疯狂的敏感吗?   佩洛西所表现的是世界所欣佩的无上的勇敢和博爱的精神    她的确是盖世英雄

台湾給人的一个很明显的印象是一个民主制度的独立国家   它有海陆空军队 警察部队 内部安全部队  司法  民主选举  民主政府   人民过着自由民主的生活   他得不到世界国家的正式承认是可能中国的掣肘   由人民自由回归中国是梦想    中国只有动用军队收复台湾   台湾海陆空没有与中国解放军作战的经验   不过慿台兵的勇敢和爱国精神加上美国的军队是会給中国解放军一个很不容易对抗的对手   谁胜谁败或不分胜负而继续为持久战是个未知数   可能陷入僵局而对中国最理想和仁慈的下一步是将龐大用于侵战台湾的经费用于中国人民身上会带给他们多么的幸福  中国领土根本是一个幻想   中国何曾踏入过台湾


Saturday 6 August 2022

两虎相争 惊天动地

 习近平可能低估美国的鬥智  美国是世界有很高声望   如果它向中国的强烈恐吓低头   它那里可以在世界上立足   习近平做梦也想不到美国能出现个很出色非常勇敢和意志坚决的议长佩洛西  她昂扬的飞往台湾作官式访问   她所做的是仁义道德   是可能得到一些国际民主国家的青睐   但这强烈的触恼了中国的底线是所难免   如果中国不实行它的报服行动是很难下台    所以便发动它的炮火向台湾团团发射    把它的领空封锁    而派军舰巡逻台湾海峡   除了发动战争一切都有限度的恐吓性来给台湾人民一个难忘的教训

佩洛西的宫式台湾访问是仿佛給台湾人民一支强心针   其实台湾的历史可能会有一点争议   清朝在十七世纪从荷阑统治政权夺取成为中国领土   一九四九年国民党给中国共产党战败而撤退到台湾通治   现在是由蔡英文总统的政党统治   一路来台湾的人民都过着自由民主的生活    他们应该有天赋 他们自己的命运   中国领土的问题还是一个有争议性的议题   台湾人民选择归还中国是极渺茫甚致无可能    中国如果出动军队来收覆台湾美国会不会就手旁观   会不会演变成中美战争   中国也不能无视世界评论尤其是对中国有一些友善的国家   看起来中国须要深思熟攄
