Saturday 20 May 2023

A new star in the firmament

 We are graced by a new star in the firmament. He has been anointed to take over from PM Lee Hsien Loong when the latter steps down.

With the appellation of Lawrence Wong he zoomed into prominence overnight and mesmerised the common Singaporeans with his bombastic grandiloquence almost everyday to give them divine guidance to confront the future of malevolent geopolitics and to a celetial path of plenty and harmony for Singaporeans.He sounds like a Messiah of the twenty-first century.and would have the divine embodiment of one. At least  there is no logical condition of mind to disabuse this, And it is only fair that he should be honoured to show his prowess.

There is no doubt that he excelled among the 4-G leadership to emerge as the future prime minister. It's a great honour and whether this has gone to his head is imperceptible. But from his grandiloquence you cannot escape the feeling that he sometimes talked down to the people and treated them like children. It was quite capivating in the beginning but if repeated too tediously it may take the audience to be really ultra-receptive to continue to listen.

Externally Lawrence Wong seemed to be in a mettle.  He seemed to be able to tickle the sombre mindset of the inscrutable Chinese to respond in good grace to his obsequious flattery .Of course the path was made easy for him by PM Lee Hsien Loong because of his close relationship with the Chinese leaders.

The litmus test is when or whether PM Lee Hsien Loong will step down. It's like the twinkling of a star like the Chinese saying "seems yes, seems no" (若有若无).

This is not meant to be in any way a derogatory reflecion of your eminence. I am simply mesmerised by your effusive grandiloquence which prompted me to write this.

Wishing you a success in your prime ministership.

Tuesday 2 May 2023

Sermon on the Mount

 This subject has fascinated Sngaporeans for quite some time to the point of ad nauseam. We seldom heard the melliferous baritone of Lawrence Wong before he became DPM. Overnight you can now hear his sermon of the mount almost mesmerise his audience the people of Singapore many may be disillusioned to perk them up to meet the worsening  geopolitical challenges. In his May Day Rally speech it was obvious he painted a very grim picture of Singaporeans facing one of the worst economic prognostigatioin with complete cessation of affluent western investments.He entreated workers to work their guts out to preserve their livelihood and the government will back them up all the way.

How DPM Lawrence Wong and his 4G leadership are going to do it will be something up in the air. Lee Hsien Loong and his millionaire ministers will continue to pocket millions of people's money for their salaries and they will be wallowing in their luxurious livelihood when Singapore is hit by the severe  economic crunch. There may be some token relief but distressed workers may have to fend for themselves in the end. Serious deterioration of livelihood and work srtoppages may not be avoided.

We can really start to plan by first getting the multi-millionaire Lee Hsien Long and his millionaire ministers to cut their obscene salaries to the level of world leaders like the American President and channel these salary deductions to the workers' relief fund when the economic crisis comes crashing down.The millions of people's money they pay themselves as salaries is a moral begin with as even the American President can live on  USD 400,000 a year to serve the American public. Why do Lee Hsien Loong and his venal ministers want to do with the millions they coveted in their lifetime when they cannot take it with them to their graves. They will get the most heartfelt gratitude from Singaporeans if they can show some humanity when they are struck by humongous misfortune.

We have a defeated minister Ng Chee Meng appointed as Secretary-General of NTUC drawing minister's pay but does not have anything to show.