Monday 14 October 2024

To journey in a dream in wonderland。(梦游仙境)

 To journey in a dream in wonderland (梦游仙境) is a famous Chinese idiom to portray the idyllic state of a person's mind often with a flattering vision of high achievements.

It's interesting tp know if our parvenu PM Lawrence Wong fits this apellation. One thing that he shows is that he is more articulate than the lack-lustre  SM Lee Hsien Loong.and this he displayed unabashedly in and outside Singapore' I have compared him with the famous Cantonese story-teller of old Singapore Li Da Sha (李大傻(Crazy Li)who took Singapore by storm by his uproarous hilatious story=telling which mesmerized Singaporeans young and old (irrespective of dialects). In the beginning PM Lawrence Wong was indeed as popular as Crazy Li in capturing the hearts of Singaporeans with his extremely delightful story-telling but could not sustain as he lacked the finesse that was the trait of Crazy contents and delivery. Crazy Lee's inimitable personality was something that PM Lawrence Wong  would find it hard to emulate.

Similary could the oratory antics  of PM Lawrence Wong have a nagnetic effect on the leaders of the outside world when they are seen as a novelty of deja vu is not surprising but one can wonder if his rantings still dazzle his foreign audiences.  He is flamboyant by nature and his oratory profusions in and outside Singapore are only a reflection of his ever aspired ambitions to manipulate them to acknowledge his so-called talents in the amelioration of world politics. Do Singapore and world leaders see him as a dynamic politician who holds forth a messianic future for mankind? It may be too early to say but there is a Chinese saying: Each person has his own perception (各花入各眼).

Now for the God-forsaken Lee Hsien Loong. It must be a divine prank that each time he opens his big mouth he gets a big whacking. He must be some kind of a stoic character to go on facing his detractors. Whether that amuses PM Lawrence Wong is intriguing. He is so magnanimous that he honoured SM Lee Hsien Loong in according him prominence in feting foreign dignitories. He was also given liberty in addressing important audiences made up of delegation of civil servants and prominent members of civil society.. Do you really need a senior minister to do all these?  Lee Hsien Loong may feel that he can disabuse any misconception that his position is a sinecure. I  think he dissipates it dexterously and how people view it is not mortifying. However, he must  be mentally prepared for the day when PM Lawrence Wong springs a surprise adieu on him.

Is Lee Hsien Loong a real or a  fake brother of Dr. Lee Wei Leng that he and his devoted wife Ho Ching showed up at his sister's wake for only 15 minutes like a stranger and was no-show at her funeral. Was Ho Ching spotted smirking? It's so surreal  but it could be real. Won't Lee Kuan Yew be turning  in his grave?

May I take the liberty to mention about my esteemed friend Andrew and the TRE about my loan to the agency. I think I am not ironical to say that Andrew took my $3000 loan for granted as a right to him and TRE.without even the slightest decency to show any gratitude. I gave the loan on the guidance of the Almighty God and was touched by TRE's indispensible public service. Another more pugnacious professional websile doing similar indispensible  public service is The Online Citizen. I told Andrew that the loan was from my life saving which would see me through to the end of my life journey. It must be repaid and it could not be regarded as a donation as I am impecunious .

I am not sure Andrew really appreciated what I did to save the TRE from demise. The loan was given without any interest and flexible in repayment.  Did Andrew really give a soul-searching examination of  my utter compassionate desire to help. Does he think he could get such such generous  loan from any bank or donor? Could I be blamed for being horrified when I could not get repayment from him even with   repeated requests? Is this the reward I deserve from being kind in   giving the loan??

I felt like a beggar asking for alms when Andrew finally promised  to  make full repayment  of $3000 at the end of the year. Willy nilly I have no choice but to accept the Andrew's kindness of repayment at the end of the year. What worries me is whether Andrew will keep his promise. I  will have to leave it to God. It's fate if they renege on repayment. They may or may not be aware of any serious consequences if they renege. They have to consider any repercussion that could affect TRE's reputation or Andrew's integrity. Do they want to be publicly branded as swindling hustlers?

There is still the last resort of taking Andrew and TRE  to court for non-payment.

 I hope with God's blessing that this unhappy episode will be successfully resolved.

What is gnawing me at my conscience is whether God had made a grave mistake in advising me to give TRE the loan.

May God bless you.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

An open letter to Andrew of TRE

 I came from a humble beginning and it was the merciful and compassionate motivation of God hat nurtured me  throiuh all my hardships till I was quite unexpectedly propelled to the apex of my career as Director ISD.I had been through the most severe baptism of fire in my career and this came as a divine gratification to me. I was enjoying the high-flying political kaleidoscope that my office may have engendered but this blithe imagery was unfortunately blighted by the iniquitous [resnec of two  villians of the piece in the persons of Tay Seow Huah and SR Nathan. For some esoteric, maybe not so, reason  they were intent on demolishing my career. By some weird belonging They had the ear of PM Lee Kuan Yew. and showed no lack of diligence in whispering malicious evils about me which the guillible Lee Kuan Yew readlly devoured. In course of time I came to grief with Lee Kuan Yew and much later suffered grave injustice at his hand.I reqested his son larer PM Lee Hsien Loong to make  public apology for his father;s sin but he remained dumb/

So you can just imagine what a prcarious position I was in and could i ever get any vindication? This was a million dollar question. I think I was privileged to attract the compassion of God who in his divine way gifted me a writing skill to start a website for a good cause. I set up a website which I named Singapore Recalcitrant and wrote incisive critiques on the shortcomings of Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong and the PAP. And now PM Lawrence Wong comes within my fussilade. All  these are fair game. My modest gifted writing skill with God's blessing commanded a fairly wide readership. And I received strong support from TRE and The Online Citizen. But I thnk my strident critiques may have in some way over-awed ISD but they could not deny that I had been subjected to grave injustice by Lee Kuan Yew, They ould only hope that I excercise more restrain but could not or preferred not to do anything. They could not be in denial that I had contributed significantly to ISD. Some issues are too outrages  to be overlooked like the obscene astronimcal ministerial salaries. Alhough discern Singaporeans and I had made clamourous demands it just seems like water falling  over the avaricious PM Lawrence Wong's head. Only a miracle will wake him up from his slumber.

TRE had right from the beginning given me very strong support in giving prominent publicity to my articles on their website. When Andrew took over the dissemination we became acquainted found rapport with each other because of our mutual appreciation of our polirtical perception.I found him to be a compassionate person and our friendship became more fraternal. So when the TRE was threatened with closure without extensive repairs they had difficulty in getting funds for repair. No crowdfunding  and no loans from banks. Andrew approached me and I managed to get my bosom friend Tan Chee Chye to donate $2000. They were still short of $3000 and in desperation as a las resort Andrew appealed to me to make a personal loan. I was sympathetic  because TRE and the Online Citizen are performing an indispensable public service to counter the PAP propaganda through the Straits Times. Without them the people can be hoodwinked to believe what the PAP propagated to them.

I looked to God for guidance and it dis not surprise me when He benevolently divined  me to make the $3000 loan to TRE. My son Victor remitted the $3000 by Paypal to TRE the following day and I told Andrew that the money was from my life saving account which I need to keep me from starving to death in my remaining days . I am living from hand to mouth on a poverty pension .I was horiiied when I could not get any repayment upon repeated request. Finally Andrew promised that TRE would make full repayment of $3000 at the end of the year  It sounded like begging alms and there was nothing I could do but to accept most reluctantly what Andrew was offering like some alms to a begger. I am quite philosophycal. When a person gives out a loan there is a possibility that it will be swallowed and he won't see it again. Will this happen to me?  It's fate and let's just see.

It;s just a matter of interest  for me to  mention this. I hope Andrew will keep his promise and I will receive my full repayment at the end of the year . If TRE or he reneges on it I am  not sure that it will not give serious consequnces. Besides this there is the question of the reputation of TRE and Andrew's integrity which may lead  to the public branding of swindling hustlers. I earnestly hope that it will not come to that with God's blessing. I have asked my bosom friend retired lawyer PKWong to help just in case I don't get repayment.

With God's blessing we can still in a rapport friendship for as long as we want.

Adieu and God bles you.  Yoong Siew Wah.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Lee Hsien Loong's monumental speech

 What has SM Lee Hsien Loong got to say about the caustic criticisms of his monumental speech at the Annual Public Service Leadership Ceremony 2024 on 17 September. It must have completely flummoxed him.  He expected the docile civil service to be overwhlemed by his so-called poignant inspiring speech which must have taken all his ingenuity to prepare. Is is like pouring cold water on his head.

His past glory is gone and he is living expectanly day by day. I have mentioned his so-called eloquence in the past and this is exactly what proves my point.

I think this will be an eye opener for PM Lawrence Wong. I found Lee Hsien Loong floudering trying to find a niche for himself and his last few performances could hardly be reassuring to PM Lawrence Wong He must be racking his find a niche for him in keeping with his status as senior minister. It will be interesting to watch his next antics.

I really do not have to do anything but watch his denuoement and PM Lawrence Wong will just throw his hands up in the air and call it a day for the illustrious SM Lee Hsien Loong.

Monday 16 September 2024

A random thought on the comedy of error

 The comedy of error that is circling around in Singapore although mind-boggling  but amuses Singaporeans immensely, especially with the kind of dramatis personae.

Let's start with the first class stand-up comedian Lee Hsien Loong. He retired as prime minister with a glorious record  and our smart Aleck new PM Lawrence Wong appointed him Senior Minister following  tradition of past prime ministers. Outwardly it seems to be logical but it so happened that Lee Hsien Loong was floundering to find a niche to justify his appointment. With his experience as prime minister what talent could he offer to the administration?

Was it some kind of a joke when PM Lawrence Wong assigned him to advise the Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on health matters. Ong Ye Kung must have the fright of his life and should have ben unthinkable of this and not flabbergasted him as an underbelly insult. What advice do you think that Lee Hsien Loong can give him on health matters is a cynical irony beyond imagination.

The next farcical joke was his assignment to host the Crown Prince of Brunei who was here for a youth conference to a dinner. The Crown was already feted by the President and Prime Minister and was it necessary for a senior minister to overplay diplomatic etiquete. He is a Crown Prince and not a head of state.and what the mind-boggling PM Lawrence Wong was tying to prove by this superfluous gesture? Does it not show that Lee Hsien Loong is only fit to be a sinecure?  I think PM Lawrence Wong is trying to humour him to show that he can manipulate Lee Hsien Loong to satisfy his own ego.that he is a cut above him.

Lee Hsien Loong may still be living in a fool's paradise and may take some time to realise his destiny.

Now we come to our smart Aleck PM Lawrence Wong. He is doing a marvelous job by ranting almost everyday to delirious the public to his so-called philosophy of democratic government. But the persistency of such propaganda may gradually numb the public mind but he either dense or stupid not to realise this and slow down.which projected him to be some kind of a showman. Does he really believe that his voice is melliferous?

In the old days we used to have a very popular Cantonese story-teller by the name of Lee Da Sha (crazy Lee(李大傻) who took the public by storm with his inimitable uproarious story-telling,on TV in Cantonese. He was so well-known that he became a house-hold name. PM Lawrence Wong reminds me of this crazy story-teller but cannot match his popularity. Even children were captured by his thrilling story-telling.

Friday 13 September 2024

A tribute to SM Lee Hsien Loong

 Lee Hsien Loong was the dragon who ruled the heavens and I was the tiger who roamed the earth. Never the twain shall meet. But God had however divined that we should cannon and combat for justice. But God was undecided whether there should be a dragon slayer.

Lee Hsien Loong was borned with a golden spoon to the famous or infamous Lee Kuan Yew who swore to see Hsien Loong as his successor as prime minster. He was greatly pampered throughout his life. And it was obvious that his father was assiduously preparing him to succeed him as prime minister. He went to Cambridge University as a President Scholar and graduated with first class distinction.

He returned to Singapore and joined the SAF as an officer.biding his time. He was portrayed as a hero in a cable car rescue.He became the third prime minister when the woody Goh Chok Tong finished his term. He entered the service with high credentials and no doubt received by the public with excellent approbation. He was highly ambitious and self-exalted trying to prove that he was a trail-blazing prime minister. which was patently evident in his farewell speech.

But the fact remained whether he was really performing a public service.or enriching himself by pocketing millions of people's money and pooh-poohed those who live on poverty pension. Moreover this showed hat he did not seem to have a persona of humanity  

Was he eloquent and made inspiring speeches? Sometimes it could not be mistaken that he could pass as a stand-up comedian. He could upset world leaders like China Xi-Jinping with his disgraceful deleterious speeches about the country.

He thinks that PM Lawrence Wong  is beholden to him because of his endorsement of him to be the prime minister. Not surprisingly Lawrence Wong shows that he is a cut above him in his performance as prime minister.. Lawrence Wong is an astute prime minister and he does not show his hand until the crucial moment. And it is not surprising if he finds Lee Hsien Loong to have outlived his usefulness and is tolerant waiting for the right time to dispatch him to eternity. Would this not be a poetic retribution? The cruel circumstances which forced his sibling Lee Hsien Yang into forced exile could be a reflection of this.

In the meantime I regard Lee Hsien Loong to be my enemy number one and will hound him till either he perishes or I go. 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

A discernmenr of the political reality in Singapore

 We have seen the stepping down of Lee Hsien Loong as prime minister and the assumption of Lawrence Wong as the new prime minister. Lawrence Wong has passed his 100 days of apprenticeship as PM. What is the public perception of him as a savior of Singapore bringing to it enhanced prosperity and democracy, especially a new sense of egalitarianism.

Lee Hsien Loong seems to have bequeathed him with a remarkable democratic and affluent Singapore and Lawrence Wong, it must be recognised, has shown he is a cut above Lee Hsien Loong as prime minister. He started promisingly by going down with the masses to acquaint them with his vision of enhancement for Singapore's future.  He was doing it with a certain amount of earnestness that could capture the credibility of the people's mind. There is no reason why he could not sustain his magnetism if he  continues his mesmerism.

One important aspect of his persona is that he comes from the same stock as Lee Hsien Loong.and over time some cracks in his exemplary personality must show. What is his determination in solving the problem of modifying the obscene astronomical ministerial salaries? He cannot be deaf to the vocal public demands for him to take the initiative to assuage the public call for justice. This is indeed a very good opportunity for him to show his high standard of probity which the public expect. But he seems to be more concerned with retaining unethical wealth by pocketing people's money.

The money belongs to  the people and should be used only for the people's benefit and not for enriching themselves arbitrarily. The prime minister is drawing no less than four times the salary of the American President. How can he honestly justify this if he is not insane and consumed by greediness. It is really up to you to show that you and your avaricious ministers  are not a bunch of voracious money-grabbers without a tiny trace of conscience plundering the people's coffers.

Our first generation prime minister and ministers had set a lofty example by governing  without awarding themselves with obscene astronomical salaries to enrich themselves surreptitiously with people's money. The disgraceful plundering started with Goh Chok Tong at the instigation of Lee Kuan Yew. Sonny boy Lee Hsien Loong inherited it for the longest time. And now PM Lawrence Wong is happily pocketing it. Lawrence Wong started as an untainted prime minister and he can easily become a legendary prime minister in Singapore history if he only shows his uprightness in initiating action to reduce the obscene enormous ministerial salaries.

Is he a wayang actor? I leave it to your imagination. There is a Chinese saying: Each person has his own intelligence (人各有智).

Wednesday 4 September 2024

A glimpse of the obscurantism of Singapore society

 This is not an attempt at self-exaltation but to give a glimpse of the obscurantism of the Singapore society.

May I begin with the disclosure that I come from a humble beginning. It was fate that  moved me to Singapore where I languished as a a lowly clerk in the British Army Base Ordnance Depot. It  was again fate that transformed me to join the Singapore Police Force where I was appointed a police inspector and posted to Special 1951.

The Malayan Communist Party had started an armed struggle with the British and Singapore was in some kind of pandemonium with the communist assassins going round shooting reactionaries and traitors with immunity because Special  Branch was badly handicapped by a severe lack of intelligence. My colleagues and I were prime targets for assassination because we were fighting them on the front line.The British with their military might was hopelessly unable to defeat the communists and it was up to an independent Singapore Government under Lee Kuan Yew and his merrymen to annihilate the communists.and restore Singapore to its peaceful and democratic state.

Although Lee Kuan Yew, a prominent lawyer, and his merrymen came with very powerful credentials they were simply no match for the communists who controlled the mass base. They were indeed on the cusp of being devoured by the communists and it was God's blessing that Special Branch with the help of the then Chief Minister Lim Yew Hock who emerged to save them from being gobbled up and pave the way for them to achieve a landslide victory in the 1959  general election to form the PAP Government with Lee Kuan Yew as prime minister. What they have done to bring progress and prosperity to Singapore is well-known.

There were interesting anecdotes during their rein that could stimultate the memories of Singaporeans. One was the earth-shattering American CIA attempt to recruit me as their intelligence agent in 1961.We set a trap and put paid to their sinister adventure. Three high-level CIA officers were arrested and detained and the botched operation was so acutely infamous that it reverberated right up to the White House and severely disconcerted the American President John Kennedy. Lee Kuan Yew capitalised on it by raising his world political standing to a dizzying height  that the was able to browbeat John Kennedy and tried to extort US30 million as  compensation  but John Kennedy was no fool and rejected his demand.

The most significant aspect of this debacle was what would have happened if I had succumbed to the CIA allurement and became their agent. Even Indonesian President Sukarno was eatng out of the CIA hand so would it be possible that Lee Kuan Yew could have been out of CIA clutches? would Singapore history remain intact?

What I had contributed in my service to Singapore could not have been emulated even by the illustrious  Lee Hsien Loong or his merry ministers with or without their guts. What was really inhuman and low-down was the so-called gratitude that Lee Kuan Yew accorded me by defaming me with a blatant lie telecast live from Parliament House. No Singapore judge dared to convict him and I was left in limbo. I   requested his son Lee Hsien Loong to make a public apology for his Father's sin but he remained dumb.

I think it was God who gifted me with my writing skill to do a good cause. And I have been using it to fulfill a public service to the people of Singapore through my website Singaporer Recalcitrant to critique Lee Hsien Loong and the PAP for any shortcoming in their so-called public service or political antics.  I get strong support from two professional websites Temasek Review Emeritus and The online Citizen.

The new prime minister Lawrence Wong started promisingly but soon show his true colours  as coming from the same stock. He is so consumed by his venality of  unethical wealth from obscene astronimical ministerial salaries that he is dragging his feet to initiate action to modify it in spite of vocal public demands. He shows some illusory signs of humaneness but seem to be submerged by a more unsavoury persona.

I was just thinking which may be wistful. How celestial it could be if I could politically persuade SM Lee Hsien Loong and PM Lawrence Wong to have good yarn with me for a detente between us.They say the sun must rise from the West for this to happen.

Anyway I pray to God to give his blessings to these two titans.