Wednesday 24 July 2024

A requien for PM Lawrence Wong

 My dearest imperial PM Lawrence Wong,

You are so blissfully ensconced in your lofty position of prime minister and wallowing in your obscene ministerial salary that you could hardly hear the torrential cries of the public to do something about the modification of the obscene ministerial salaries to the level like that of the American President. You pretend to be of hard of hearing but the voluble cries are loud enough to penetrate any pretence of deafness.

You like to portray yourself as a people's prime minister but any discerning Singaporeans can easily see through your sham persona that shows you up as hypocritical and try to cover up by condescending to go down to the masses to mesmerize and fluster them with your so-called flippant talk that embodied promises of a celestial future. Why is he balking at  taking the initative to modify the obscene ministerial salaries? SM Lee Hsien Loong is a vey good image of a prosperous multi-millionaire prime minister for him to follow. Having wallowed for s short time as prime minister in the plundered wealth from the people's coffers it has become such a powerful imprint on his mind that he will not lift a finger to disturb it.This is what the public now believe and it may have to be for the next generation prime minister to  take up the task of modifying ministerial salaries if circumstances have changed by that time.

PM Lawrence Wong started off promisingly as the 4th prime minister but as the saying goes Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Apart from being venal he is also known to be hypocritical in his  outlook. He tries to show that he is above SM Lee Hsien Loong as prime minister but they come from the same stock. It is simply a case of a spade calling a spade.

There is a Chinese saying:Time reveals a person's heart (日久见人心).  His upbringing may be different from that of Lee Hsien Loong One will smply need to keep one's eyes peeled to see over time the real monster  beneath the refined fabric of a sham homo sapien.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Mon Dieu Mr.. Factotum Lee Hsien Loong

I choose the word factotum to address the almighty SM Lee Hsien Loong is not without reason. I had predicted that after his relegation to the post of senior minister  he would find himself in a state of flux floudering to try  to find something to do to justify his substantial salary as SM.The latest comedy of error is his comical role  as a so-called government wallah in the opening of the Woodlands Health (WH) campus on 13 July and gave what he would describe as a momentous speech. What flabbergasted the public is how on earth can PM Lawrence Wong be so flippant to ordain his participation when the Health Minister Ong Ye Kung is the minister in charge. What is the bright spark PM Lawrence Wong trying to do? Would  not that be seen as a slight on the competence of Minister Ong Ye Kung as the minister in charge? 

Lee  Hsien Loong gave the opening speech  which was intended to encourage the public to support the Woodlands Health Campus but if you really look seriously into its contents you are left with the impression that it is a rehash of what other ministers,,especially Ong Ye Kung, had said before. Anyway it shows that Lee Hsien Loong is nearing the end of his oratorical prowess.

I have the feeling that Lee Hsien Loong may be having a nightmare that retribution is gradually creeping up on him. His younger brother Lee Hsien Yang would think so in view of  the inequitable circumstances that forced him into exile. Although Lee Hsien Loong swore strenously that there was no underhand action on his part it doe not completely convince the public.

I told Lee Hsien Loong that because of the injustice I received from his father and even him I regard him as my enemy number one and I will hound him till either he perishes or I go. So may I wish good luck to my benefactor Lee Hsien Loong.

May God bless you.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Quo Vadis PM Lawrence Wong?

 Lawrence Wong was comparatively unknown but overnight wss propelled to the top post of prime minister.after his stellar performance as vice-chairman of the ministerial task force combating Covid 19 epidemic. He gave one of the most spectacular inaugural speeches at his swearing-in ceremony on 15 May 2024 to the delight of and mesmerized the audience and an optimistic precursor of a renaissance of the Singapore future .Indeed his first days in office were capped with promising manifestations that would ameriolate the livelihood of the people especially in reducing the high cost of living and a more relaxed political landscape like freedom of speech and political harassment of the opposition including non-political activists. He looks intent to transcend the venal image of Lee Hsien Loong as prime minister although perfunctorily he regards him as his political mentor. I think this is quite a given in any political parvenu especially one who has just risen to prime ministership .Lee Hsien Loong, in my mind, and that of many  Singaporeans is an insuhstantial politician who happened to become prime minister on his father's coat tail.

The question of the obscene astronomical ministerial salaries is like a man-eating vulture hovering over Singapore for decades and it needs a man with a conscience and public dedication strong enough to annihilate it. Is there such a superlative crusader?  The nigger in the woodpile whose fertile mind formulated this evil  ministerial salary scheme was the infamous Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong was the first transient beneficiary but the real beneficiary was his son Lee Hsien Loong.This treasure from heaven now falls on the present bright spark Lawrence Wong .Will he be the saint to modify this evil salary scheme? He is keepng this close to his chest and may take a miracle for him to wake up and take the initiative to change. Sanguine Singaporeans may may have to be extremely patient for this long-awaited miracle to happen. In the meantime they may holler till their throats run dry but will only fall on deaf ears.

Hypocritical idiosyncracies of PM Lawrence Wong that attracted recent hostile brickbats on his pompous spouting to the public to move away from 5 or 6 Cs citing so-called adverse effects and to embrace his definitions of success give an insightful comprehension of a derisory aspect of his persona. It's God-forbidding coming from a prime minister who should have shown more sagacious thinking. The public would like to know how candid can this ruling homo sapiens serve the people of Singapore without any artfulness. It shows very clearly that he is imbued with Lee Hsien Loong's style of poliitical manipulation who was his former political mentor to whom he was pathetically devoted, not excluding his venal admiration of Lee Hsien Loong.questionable wealth. Lee Hsien Loong is now out in the lurch and how PM Lawrence Wong values his relationship with him is not yet possible to determine. He may decide to do away with a mentor and is able to act independently. It will be interesting to the denouement of the comedy of error that will present itself rom time to time.