Friday 28 June 2024

The prospective emancipation of SM Lee Hsien Loong

 I think it's God's will that Lee Hsien Loong now finds himself derided by fate to become a sinecure senior minister.floundering in quest of a commission to justify his substantial salary as SM.

I had warned him that I regarded him as my enemy number one and would hound him till either he perishes or I go. He and his late father Lee Kuan Yew had done me great injustice that no human being would have the heart to comtemplate. The untenable circumstances that he now finds himself is I think G'od's will.

He is a zodiac dragon and I am a tiger. He ruled the heavens and I roamed the earth and the twain should never have met.but however fate had divined that we combat for justice. Will God want me to be a dragon slayer? I would prefer that it be done by God.

He is a Cambridge scholar and I hold a secondary four certificate. I invited  him to have a public discourse with me some time back but received no answer from him. He and his cohort of ministers drew millions of people's money as salaries while I and my colleagues live on poverty pensions. We asked for a small raise to keep from starvation. Can you believe that we were told that we had served our purpose, what we received was enough and they were waiting for us to die.

Lawrence Wong was quite unknown and it was the hand of fate that propelled him to become the current prime minister. He started of promisingly but seems to slide into vanality in his reluctance to modify the obscene astronomical ministerial salaries. Anyway he seems to be intent to transcend the venal image of Lee Hsien Loong with his immaculate personal dressing and perormance, both domestically and intenationally. 

Lee Hsien Loong looks a sorrowful sight and how long he will last depends on the will of deviniity.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Hypocrisy in PM Lawrence Wong's message of success

 It must be the biggest guff ever uttered by a prime minister that can be the apex of a stateman. How can a sane (maybe questionable) PM Lawrence Wong spout such egregious crap in his message of emphazising the need for a broader definition of success in Singapore to move away from the SC's - cash, car, credit card,  condominium and country club - citing their adverse effects.

What kind of abject hypocrisy is that when the prime minister and his cohorts are wallowing in luxury with their obscene astronimical pay while the plebeian Singaporeans are struggling with a high cost of living? PM Lawrence Wong has not even touched on the neccesity of reducing the obscene ministerial pay when there is now a torrent of of demand to start looking into the urgency of modifying down the astronomical ministerial salaries which PM Lawrence Wong may  ignore  at his peril.

There is a very caustic article in the Independent Singapore website today by Academic Prof Donald Low of Hong Kong University which calls out PAP's hypocrisy, blatant double standard and self-righteousness which he derided as contemptible..He does not mince his words in admonishing the PAP to stop its preaching and talking down to the people and check its hypocritical holier-than-thou attitude. Prof Low was the Associate Dean executive and education at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore before he resigned in 2018. He now teaches at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

His pungent critique covers the period from Lee Hsien Loong as prime minister and extends to our parvenu prime minister Lawrence Wong who started promisingly as an iconoclast but seems to slide into disorientation, especially on  the critical matter of reducing he obscene ministerial pay. He seems to be enraptured by Lee Hsien Loong's affluent luxurious livelihood and the thought of relinguishing  it is now an aversion to him, notwithstanding whether the queston of plundering the people's  wealth  can be a denouement into something more ominous  now or in the future to force the  hands of PM Lawrence Wong to concede to public demand.

Sunday 23 June 2024

The two contrasting personalities

 It may be slightly premature but not inappropriate to compare the two contrasting personalities who are ex-prime minister Lee Hsien Loong and current prime minister Lawrence Wong .Lee Hsien Loong is more grandiloquent while Lawrence Wong posssess more humility and appears a progressive iconoclast, not unlikely because of their different origins.

Lee Hsien Loong was more  glamorous. He showed a fleeting heroism in his cable-car rescue effort as an army officer but remained quite in the shadow of his father Lee Kuan Yew until he was appointed prime minister. He was anointed to succeed the woody Goh Chok Tong as prime minister in 2004 which did not surprise nor overexcite the public as it was expected. Lee Hsien Loong began his career promisingly but over the years  became quite banalised although he ne3ver ceased to adulate himself as in his farewell speech at the Mayday Rally. He still owes me a public apology for his father's defamation against me.

Ho Ching, his devoted and publicity-prone wife,  is or was a public figure in her own right. She became Head of Temasek Holdings under quite incomprehensible circumstances because whether ex-minister S. Dhanabalan's so-called neutral or non-preconceived argument, to support her as her sponsor to her appointment, it could not  have hoodwinked the public that there was no nepotism in her appointment. Her heyday seems to be fading and she is trying to fraternise Lawrence Wong wife to preserve her fading societal eminence.

Lawrence Wong quite an unknown figure before he became vice-chairman of the ninisterial task force to combat Covid19 epidemic. He showed that he was a cut above his colleagues in the task force and was appointed leader of the 4-G leadership. It was a natural progress that he was appointed prime  minister on 15 May 2024 and was sworn-in during which he gave a significant inaugural speeh which delighted and endeared him to the audience. He seems to transcend the image of Lee  Hsien Loong in his style of governance  both domestically and internationally. He is showing a good start and he has shown that he is a forward-looking prime minister and there is no reason to believe that he will not excel in his performance.

On the other hand Lee Hsien Loong is showing inadequacy both in attire and performance compared with Lawrence Wong and I think Lee is showing sign of defeatism and will find it hard to excel as a senior minister.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Greetings PM Lawrence Wong

 My dear PM Lawrence Wong you are divinely blessed and you are now happily ensconced in your lofty position as prime minister enjoying the astronomical salary that your prdecessor the venal SM Lee Hsien Loong has bequeathed to you from his pocketing money ((any different from  plundering/) from the people's coffers over a number of years. With your impeccable credentials of probity would it not be an auspicious time to review this highly controversial political office holders' homongous salaries and modify them in compatable with international standard. For instance the venal SM Lee Hsien Loong was drawing no less  than four times the salary of the Ameriucan bonus. What kind of golden service was he providing the dispossessed Singaporeans that required no less than four times the American President's salary? Does it not give you the shudder that this is some kind of sophisticated plunder? 

Why is there no widespread vocal protest or agitation.? The time will come maybe in the next general election.  The opposition parties are apparently dragging their feet not unlikely because they just don't have the pugnacity to take on the PAP and had been daunted by by PAP's overbearingf domination. We are unfortunatedly endowed with a precarious and inept opposition and it is up to the voters to put up a more pugnaious opposition to take on the PAP as an equal or better but there is nothing visible right now on the horizon. No vocal protest des not mean consent  but PAP still are able to command more than enough gullible voters to keep them in power.

But is PM Lawrence Wong going to do nothing about it and allow it to fester? He is still a human being and is not immune to a  largesse at the people;s expense. Again he may be an iconoclast who may be more mindful and sympathetic to the people's (especially poor people)impecunious condition than his predecessors like Lee Hsien Loong and others that he may be conscience-stricken to take the initiative to modify the astronomical salaries of the prime minister and his ministers  The mentally-trepidated public can keep their eyes peeled for any sign of sanity by PM  Lawrence Wong and his sympathetic team to bring down the obscene ministerial salaries to a decent level by international standard.

I am still living on my poverty pension of $1545 a month and half starving most of the time. Does PM Lawrence Wong think he can show more humaniity than his inhuman predecessor Lee Hsien Loong by giving me a small raise so that I can live like a human being.What I had contributed in my service to Singapore I don't think any civil servant or political master can emulate.

Just an interesting aside. I had mentioned that Lee Hsien Loong was in a state of flux and could be perplexed in trying to find something to do to justify his substantial salary as a senior minister. He is reported to be visiting his constituents in Ang Mo Kio to consolate some victims of a coffee  shop fire.

This is what he will be doing as a senior minister. I was not talking cock.

I watched on TV PM Lawrence Wong's performance during his visit to Malaysia and was simply amazed by his competence. He and Lee Hsien Loong are clearly contrasting personality.  His style of delivery was so melliferious  and absorbing that it would  not fail to delight the audience and kindle their perspicuous intellect. PM Anwar could not have been unmoved by it. On the contray Lee Hsien Loong's style is intirely in contrast and is less subtle. He can even denigrate his hosts as he had done in China.

He as recently feted by the Chinese clan and business community to honour him for his contribution to the Chinee communiity s PM. He  needs such invitations to boost his fading personality.

It is interesting that his nephew Lee  Shengwu had some time ago prophesied that his rule was a ozymandias.

Thursday 6 June 2024

My humble perception of the man Lee Hsien Loong

 Once a man of influence now he has become a coward (a famious Chinese idiom which literary means a turtle which retracts its head into its shell)  (曾是风云人物  现已成为缩头乌龟).  Whether this can reflect on Lee Hsien Loong is left to the perception of the public (人各有智)  (each has his own wisdom).

He looks slightly run down which is so in contrast to the exquisite personality of PM  Lawrence Wong who seems to be on a roll in his performance since his sworn-in as prime minister. His attire was impeccable and he handled his foreign guests almost like a veteran.

On the other hand Lee Hsien Loong seems to be trying hard to give an imp ression of confidence but seems to be flustered when making his presentation.He could overshadow Lawrence Wong in eloquence and forcefulness when he spoke as prime minister but seems to be now lacking this touch. It was not so bad in his speech at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Founders' Memorial but you could hardly recognise him on other occasions.

I have always pictured the post of senior minister as a sinecure drawing a substantial salary and doing sweet nothing. The erratic appearance of Lee Hsien Loong since his retirement as prime minister is an eye-opener of the man who is now a far cry from his pomposity of his farewell speech at the May Day Rally. He is a pathetic sight in contrast to the impressive appearance of Lawrence Wong.Lee Hsien Loong  seems to be in a state of flux and not knowing what task to perform  as senior minister. Maybe he is thinking of visiting his constituents in Teck Kee Ward in AMK GRC to justify hi substantial salary as senior minister.

He was a dragon ruling the heavens and his relegation means that he has now come down to earth,  not a simple fall from grace.Whether  there will be retribution from to follow from people he had transgressed like his siblings, Terry Xu of TOC and many others will be keenly watched.

Good luck to Lee Hsien Loong and may God bless him.